Career Research Mentoring Workshop 2005 “provide mentoring activities that target women in professional research careers in CS & E”
CRA-W Established “develop innovative and successful programs targeting retention and expansion of number of women in research careers in CS & E” Current Cochairs: Carla Ellis, Duke University Mary Jean Harrold, Georgia Tech Currently ~20 member action-oriented committee
Welcome to the Career Mentoring Workshop Join the ranks! 1993, 94, 95, 99, 03, 05 Now also at SIGCSE and CRA. Format : Informal!!! Panels and networking opportunities Pretenure and Industry/government lab sessions Breakout sessions tomorrow Lunch today (by research area) Lunch tomorrow (by stage in career) Networking practicum this evening
The Speakers Nancy Amato Carla Brodley Sheila Castaneda Lori Clarke Anne Condon Tina Eliassi-Rad Carla Ellis Faith Fich Kathleen Fisher Mary Jean Harrold Mary Jane Irwin Susan Landau Tessa Lau Renee Miller Joanne Ordille Lori Pollock Marina Thottan Ellen Voorhees Caroline Wardle
Thank You!! National Science Foundation travel scholarships networking practicum speaker travel Caroline Wardle, NSF Carla Romero, CRA