1 Prep for Active Duty Formal and Professional Military Education (PME) Issues Relevant to 2d Lieutenants
2 Quote “It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated.” Alec Bourne
3 OVERVIEW Formal Education Professional Military Education
4 FORMAL EDUCATION “Must Have” a Master’s Degree Masked at O4 Board but not at DP determination Mandatory for O5 Board Use Tuition Assistance Highly Recommend AFIT Program
5 PME Why is completion of PME important? In-residence, correspondence, seminar
6 Air & Space Basic Course Newly Commissioned Officers 6-week program at Maxwell AFB Curriculum Foundations of Aerospace Doctrine Core Competencies Employment of Aerospace Power
7 Squadron Officer School Captains, 4-7 years Goal: 100% in-residence 5-week program at Maxwell AFB More in-depth than ASBC Foundations of Aerospace Doctrine Core Competencies Employment of Aerospace Power Leadership Activities
8 Air Command & Staff College Majors, years Goal: 20% attendance in-residence 10-month program at Maxwell AFB Broadens Knowledge Professional Qualities of Commanders and Staff Officers Emphasizes Combat & Combat Support Operations
9 Air War College Lt Col and Cols; < 23 yrs Limited to 250 officers annually 10.5 month program at Maxwell AFB Objective: to prepare senior officers to develop, maintain and lead the aerospace components of national power to deter conflicts and win victory in war
10 Education PME vs Formal Education
11 SUMMARY Formal Education Professional Military Education
12 Final Quote “Never let your schooling interfere with your education.” - Mark Twain