We have to… Replace with own class version from last lesson
To do well in football you need to play by the ‘Fair Play Rules’. These mean that: All members of the team consider each other. All members of the team play for each other (it’s a team effort!) People don’t foul each other. It’s the team that will do well (or not!) not individual members. The team plays to it’s strengths. All team members work hard for each other. What do the fair play rules mean for us in our classroom today?
You will be divided into groups of 2-3 people Each group will be given one of these events in Martin Luther King’s life to find out about… All the information that you need is in the ‘Free at Last’ books. Timeline eventPeople in group 1. Martin as a child buying shoes with his dad 2. Martin’s religious beliefs & his job as a minister 3. Rosa Parks – the bus boycott & Martin’s part in it. 4. When God told Martin to ‘Stand up for what’s right’. 5. Martin’s house being bombed 6. Martin being stabbed & beaten up 7. The ‘Sit-ins’ & the ‘Freedom Rides’ 8. Martin’s ‘I have a dream’ speech 9. Martin winning the Nobel Peace Prize 10. Martin’s death
Discuss as a group… What are you aiming to get done in today’s lesson? Who is going to do what? Remember that you need to answer these questions… Who was involved? What happened? Why did it happen? Where did it happen? How does it make you feel?
Discuss as a group how well you’ve worked today & whether you achieved the aims you set as a group at the start of the lesson. As a group you need to think of … …for today’s work & everybody needs to write them in the back of their books. What do you need to have done by next lesson? Is there anything you could be getting on with at home or that you need to bring in from home? Remember: This is your only homework – Next lesson you will only have half a lesson to finish your timeline descriptions & pictures. Decide on your homework as a group & write it in your planners. You might need different people to do different things.