Summary of Moriond 2010 Part I. Tevatron 이강영 ( 건국대학교 연세대학교
Rencontres de Moriond Since 1966 La Thuile, Aosta valley, Italy Jean Tran Thanh Van
Theorists and experimentalists are brought together in a pleasant, relaxed and intimate atmosphere. 75 ordinary talks + 2 summary talks 32 Young Scientist Forum Ordinary talks of min. are on invitation. Young scientist forum talks are 7 min and only one question is allowed.
Tevatron results LHC prospects (+a little results) Neutrinos And others including theory, flavour, dark matter, etc. Electroweak session
Theoretical Issues on Higgs Production at Tevatron
Experimental Results on Higgs Physics at Tevatron
Dr. Richard St. Denis Glasgow University On behalf of the CDF and D0 Collaborations Moriond 2010 Electroweak, La Thuile, Italy March 6-March 13, 2010 Tevatron Results on SM Higgs Search in the High Mass Region ● Search Foundation and Higgs detection modes ● CDF and D0 detection methods in High Mass ● Results, implications, next steps Outline
Higher Physics Reach Jets Bottom WZ Top (t) Higgs m s =17.77 ± 0.10 ± 0.07 Susy Build on mountain of measurements WW,WZ,ZZ Top(ttbar) Single Top ZZ WZ M t hadronic New M w
SM Higgs Production and Decay Trigger: 1 High Pt e or Focus on Decays: WW → ee, e , e ’s Separate channels by dileptons (D0), N jets (CDF) Event Selection: High Pt Leptons, Missing E T Vector Boson Fusion Associated production Gluon Fusion (dominates) Low Mass High Mass
HWW Production Features High Pt Leptons not back to back Spin 0 Higgs correlates spins of leptons: charged leptons (low ll ), two neutrinos (High MET) tend to be closely aligned with one another. g g H0H0 W+W+ W-W- e-e- ++ e ll ww Z/ ll Backgrounds
H WW Heavy Flavor WW/W /top H-Enhanced H WW Met,M ll H t B Z/ WW t H High Pt e, DrellYan 0jet 1Jet >1Jet tH R,Ht… Discr. Ana H WW Z/ Hi Lo M ll <2Jet H WW H WW (CDF) WW Z/ t H H W Isolation
Same sign Dileptons(CDF/D0), Trileptons(CDF) H0H0 W+W+ l+l+ l W+W+ W+W+ W-W- q q l+l+ l l l-l- H0H0 l+l+ W+W+ W-W- q q l l-l- Z0Z0 Z0Z0 l-l- q q No Rate? Too Low? No! New ● Same Sign dileptons: ● WH: W(jj)W*(ln)W(ln), ll(l) nnn ● ZH: Z(jj)llnn,W(jj)ll(l) nn,… ● Trileptons: ● WH:lllnnn ● ZH:Z(ll)W(qq)W(l) n q q No Channel Left Behind Different Channel Different Systematics
SM Exclusion: GeV/c 2 ! + T. Aaltonen et al., (CDF and DØ Collaborations), Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, (2010). T. Aaltonen et al. (CDF Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, (2010). V. M. Abazov et al. (DØ Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, (2010). arXiv: arXiv: arXiv: SM Sensitivity: GeV/c 2 Expected 1.20 Observed Expected 1.36 Observed 1.55 CDF 4.8 fb -1
Improvements Over Publication ● 4.8→5.3 fb -1 : 5% better ● Optimized e - selection ● Add Trileptons, Low M ll, VH, VBF for 0 Jet ● All together: 15% better! ● Improvements continue (t modes add a few %) New For M H =165 GeV/c 2 ExpectedObserved CDF New CDF Pub
Next:Extend sensitivity
Summary “No channel too small” strategy successful: different, backgrounds, systematics, S/B and many channels. Combined Tevatron results exclude the Standard Model Higgs at 95% CL for 162≤ M H ≤ 166 GeV/c 2. Updated CDF results: sensitivity close to 95% CL exclusion for M H = GeV/c 2. The High mass sensitivity will be expanded: 2xCDF gives GeV/c 2 if no improvements, GeV/c 2 with improvements. Both experiments have 8 fb -1 delivered! These are remarkable times. Rapid changes in data collected and analysis continue.
Tevatron Searches for New Physics
Top Quark at the Tevatron
Summary Tevatron is still working! Many interesting results have been and will be reported from Tevatron. Can the SM Higgs be found? Well… Please consider (and imagine) exotic new physics to be examined at Tevatron!!!