Stewards and ERA certified Stewards
The Employment Relations Act In 1999 the Employment Relations Act (ERA) gave workers the right to be accompanied during a disciplinary hearing irrespective of whether the employer recognises a trade union or not ‘Worker companions’ as the act refers to them should receive initial basic training and refresher training every 3/4 years
UNISON’s response to the act All newly elected stewards in UNISON should undertake initial basic training – UNISON’s 3 day The Organising Steward Course (or the TUC stage 1 course). Any activist who undertakes casework and who has been in the role for 3 years or more should take the UNISON Stewards Refresher Course Both the Organising Steward and the Stewards Refresher Course lead to ERA certification This is the policy as laid down by the NEC’s Development and Organisation Committee.
Steps in the Stewards journey 1. Steward Elected 2. Employer Informed 3. RMS activist role code 9 established 4. Every month all new 9’s added to RMS receive training details, a stewards card with a letter from the General Secretary – via region
Next Steps for Stewards Once a steward has proof of attendance at Initial basic training their RMS role can be altered to code 50 – an ERA certified steward Every month all new 50’s added to the register are sent an ERA certified stewards card and details of follow on training - from region
Refresher Training All activists, who undertake casework should take refresher training every three to four years so that their ERA certification remains valid No matter how ‘experienced’ the activist everyone undertaking casework for the branch should take the approved UNISON refresher training or risk the loss of their status as a UNISON steward and operate as a workplace contact only This is the current regional council policy in the North West Region of UNISON
Keeping accurate records in the Branch When a branch authorises a steward to attend initial basic training they should keep a record of their attendance Most courses now provide attendance certificates to participants and the branch should ensure the steward has a signed certificate of attendance before a change is made to a stewards rms record
Planning adequate levels of training The Branch should have in place policies to ensure initial basic training and refresher training is offered to all stewards as soon as possible after election and thereafter every 3/4 years These plans should be itemised in the annual Branch Development Plan