Environmental Science Chapter 12 Review Acid-precipitation – rain, snow, or sleet hat has reacted with sulfur or nitrogen oxides. Asbestos – silica-fiber products that can cause lung damage. Primary pollutant – a pollutant released into the air by human activity. Radon – radioactive gas given off by uranium. Scrubber – pollution-control device that removes pollutants by spraying gases with water.
Environmental Science Chapter 12 Review Secondary pollutant – a pollutant formed as a result of chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Sick-building syndrome – severe indoor pollution caused by inadequate air circulation. Smog – air pollution that hangs over urban areas and reduces visibility. Temperature inversion – an atmosphere condition that traps pollutants near Earth’s surface.
Environmental Science Chapter 12 Review Volatile organic compounds (VOC) – toxic fumes released by cars, paints, and solvents. Ozone – forms when car emissions react with oxygen gas and UV rays. Air pollution has been recognized as a problem for 2000 years!
Environmental Science Chapter 12 Review pH – power of hydrogen ion, 0-14 scale 7 is neutral Below 7 = acidic (0 to 6.9 pH) Above 7 = basic or alkaline (7.1 to 14 pH) Each whole number on the pH scale = a tenfold change. When lakes become more acidic, aluminum can leach out of the soil into the water.
Environmental Science Chapter 12 Review Electrical power plants cause 2/3’s of the sulfur dioxide that pollutes the air. Burning fossil fuels (coal & oil) contributes most to acid precipitation. Weather patterns in the midwest and eastern US release acid precipitation in SE Canada.
Environmental Science Chapter 12 Review Noise pollution can cause hearing loss and high blood pressure, loss of sleep. Essays What steps have been taken by the EPA, California, and the auto industry to reduce the amount of air pollution from vehicles? Describe 3 respiratory or other health problems that are caused or aggravated by air pollution.
Environmental Science Chapter 12 Review What can you do to reduce air pollution? Explain why they would reduce air pollution.