Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Objectives To develop, evaluate and demonstrate the site- specific packages of technology for enhancing the climatic resilience of agriculture while increasing food production and farmer’s income To further improve inventories of GHG emissions from agriculture; and to develop, evaluate and demonstrate low carbon growth options To enhance the Indian research capacity on climate – agriculture relationship
Key themes Research –Improved vulnerability assessment –Strengthening adaptation research –Improved GHG measurements and analysis of mitigation options Technology demonstration –Site-specific packages of technologies for adapting to current climatic risks Human Resource Development –Enhancing capacity in climate resilience research
Research theme I: Improved vulnerability assessment Establishment of controlled environment facilities in some institutes Impact assessment on –Crops –Horticulture –Livestock –Fish –Pests and microbes –Soils and water –Socio-economics
Research theme II Strengthening adaptation research 1.Pests and disease forecasting 2.Germplasm characterization for adaptive traits to climatic stresses 3.Development of tolerant genotypes 4.Application of weather forecasts, agro- advisories 5.Decision support systems for designing adaptation plans 6.Agricultural machinery for enhanced resource conservation and use efficiency 7.Policy research- adaptation-mitigation feedbacks
Research theme III Improved GHG measurements and mitigation options Flux towers at selected 3-4 places for large scale measurements of GHG emissions from agriculture Development, evaluation and dissemination of low carbon agricultural growth options
Tech Demo: Site-specific package of technologies for adapting to current climatic risks Implementation in xxx villages of xx AEZs (in consultation with SAUs, KVKs, ATMAs) : –Selection of AEZs with different types and magnitude of climatic risks –Characterization of climatic risk profiles of selected villages –Profiles of bio-physical and socio-economics –Analysis of farmer’s current coping strategies –Participatory, location specific adaptation plans (including appropriate seeds, water management, RCTs, use of weather forecasts, insurance, seed, food and fodder banks, etc.) –Initial implementation activities : –Demonstration of package, evaluation, feedbacks, participatory re-designs and their demos
HRD theme: Enhancing capacity in climate resilient agriculture Training of scientists in best labs in the identified thematic areas Training of KVK et al. staff in climate resilient technologies
Mode of operation Plan scheme – 11 th and 12 th Plan Key institutes for sponsored research KVKs and others for Technology Demo A budget of rupees 200 crores for and rupees 150 crores for % budget for North-East 10% budget in research for innovative ideas (competitive grants)
Proposed Partners