Workshop on Sustainable Development Indicators: Conceptual Framework, Data Collection and Analysis The Sustainable Development Report on Africa Addis Ababa,


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Presentation transcript:

Workshop on Sustainable Development Indicators: Conceptual Framework, Data Collection and Analysis The Sustainable Development Report on Africa Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, December 2012

The sustainable development report on Africa Produced on a biennial basis since as a flagship publication of ECA Important medium for monitoring and assessing sustainable development in Africa A tool for promoting the balanced integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development

Achievements to date Informing policies and strategies on sustainable development in the region Reference tool to inform Africa’s position for the meetings of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development Promoting dialogue on Africa’s sustainable development priorities at regional and international levels Fostering partnerships among UN Agencies, regional and sub-regional institutions

Past issues of the SDRA Managing Land-Based Resources for Sustainable Development Five-Year Review of the Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development Outcomes in Africa Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) for Sustainable Growth and Poverty Reduction Managing Africa’s Natural Resource Base for Sustainable Growth and Development

Theme of the SDRA V Achieving sustainable development in Africa through inclusive green growth Departure from usual practice to link the theme to the CSD cycleDeparture from usual practice to link the theme to the CSD cycle Green economy theme of Rio+20Green economy theme of Rio+20 Addressing green growth as an opportunity for sustainable development in Africa (Africa Consensus Statement to Rio+20)Addressing green growth as an opportunity for sustainable development in Africa (Africa Consensus Statement to Rio+20) Inclusive green growth – a step-wise approach (Outcome document of the Africa Regional Implementation Meeting on the follow-up to Rio+20 outcomes)Inclusive green growth – a step-wise approach (Outcome document of the Africa Regional Implementation Meeting on the follow-up to Rio+20 outcomes)

Structure and scope of the SDRA V: Part I To provide a robust and integrated assessment of SD status and trends in the region Based on themes and sub-themes covering priority issues for AfricaBased on themes and sub-themes covering priority issues for Africa Using specific indicators for each theme and sub-theme that cover the governance, social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable developmentUsing specific indicators for each theme and sub-theme that cover the governance, social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development Cover additional indicators, e.g. related to green growthCover additional indicators, e.g. related to green growth Highlight the inter-linkages among the three dimensions of sustainable development and governanceHighlight the inter-linkages among the three dimensions of sustainable development and governance

SDRA V Proposed Assessment Framework Assessment Framework: Agreed through a consultative process (Regional consultative workshop, EGM)Agreed through a consultative process (Regional consultative workshop, EGM) Based on themes and sub-themes as opposed to SD pillarsBased on themes and sub-themes as opposed to SD pillars Attempts to identify inter-linkages across themes, sub-themes and indicators (e.g. energy and climate change; education and health; nutrition, food security, and agriculture)Attempts to identify inter-linkages across themes, sub-themes and indicators (e.g. energy and climate change; education and health; nutrition, food security, and agriculture) SDRA V SDI set: Based on SDRA IVBased on SDRA IV Takes into account theme of SDRA VTakes into account theme of SDRA V SDRA V: 15 themes, 53 sub-themes, and 123 indicators

Structure and scope of the SDRA V: Part II Analyze opportunities and challenges for inclusive green growth in Africa, focusing on key economic sectors: Agriculture and land managementAgriculture and land management Ecosystems goods and servicesEcosystems goods and services EnergyEnergy IndustryIndustry TradeTrade Discuss enabling measures (policy options and tools) to foster inclusive green growth Address cross-cutting issues (e.g. climate change, gender, poverty, employment creation, science and technology)

Expected outcomes Improved availability of indicators Increased capacity to monitor progress towards sustainable development Enhanced awareness and appreciation of: The need for a balanced integration of the three dimensionsThe need for a balanced integration of the three dimensions Opportunities and challenges for inclusive green growthOpportunities and challenges for inclusive green growth Social, economic and environmental impacts of inclusive green growth policies, strategies and plansSocial, economic and environmental impacts of inclusive green growth policies, strategies and plans A guide to policy makers on reforms needed to unlock the productive and employment potential of a sustainable and inclusive green growth

Implementation strategy ECA-wide effort Partnership with: Member StatesMember States Regional and sub-regional organizations (e.g. RECs, AUC, AfDB)Regional and sub-regional organizations (e.g. RECs, AUC, AfDB) UN agencies (UNEP, UNDP, FAO, UNIDO, … )UN agencies (UNEP, UNDP, FAO, UNIDO, … ) ECA will consolidate and circulate draft SDRA V for internal and external peer review The final report will be translated into French and published as a joint publication

SDRA V process and next steps Aug- Nov 2012 Finalization and dissemination of questionnaire for data collection at the national level Jan-May 2013 Collection, harmonization and data analysis Drafting Part I of SDRA V Internal and external peer review Jun-Oct 2013 Final Draft Sustainable Development Indicator Set for SDRA V June 2012 Partnerships for the thematic chapters: Agriculture and land management – FAO; Industry and Energy - UNIDO; Ecosystem goods and services – UNEP; Trade: ECA; Enabling measures: UNDP PartIPartI P a r t II December 2012 Workshop on SDI with pilot countries Selection of national writers for IGG case studies Drafting of Part II of SDRA V

Where do we want to go? Continuous learning process Challenge of data availability and reliabilityChallenge of data availability and reliability Continuous revision of indicator set over time, to respond to new and emerging challenges, new methodological development, data availabilityContinuous revision of indicator set over time, to respond to new and emerging challenges, new methodological development, data availability Move towards a more integrated analysis Indicators of integrationIndicators of integration Sustainability Indices?Sustainability Indices? Rio+20 outcomes: Agree to set up a process to identify Sustainable Development Goals, complementing the MDGsAgree to set up a process to identify Sustainable Development Goals, complementing the MDGs Call for a Global Sustainable Development Report to be produced on a regular basisCall for a Global Sustainable Development Report to be produced on a regular basis  SDRAs to become the regional reference tool on sustainable development

Thank You