Characterization and glazing Laboratory Session
Bisque Bake Porcelain Bisque bake porcelain is adjusted and contoured as necessary with green stones
Characterization and Glazing of Porcelain Provides luster or gloss of porcelain The surface layer of porcelain and fill surface defects Some dentists do in house characterization with stains Degree of glazing depend on # of cycles TOO GLAZED is unnatural
Armamentarium Porcelain furnace Clean glass slab (clean white paper) Sable brushes Distilled water or special liquid Stain powder Hemostat
Characterization and Glazing Increase shade match Difficulties and inaccuracies Modifications are expected Request porcelain in bisque Stain kits available
Stain kit
“Staining” or Shade modification Increasing Chroma or value is the simplest Decreasing Chroma or Value is the MOST difficult It is applied with a sable brush and special liquid where needed Characterization a better term
Hypocalcified areas Proximal coloration Enamel cracks Stained crack lines Exposed dentin “Staining” or Shade modification exercise is to increase the Value or….
Glazing of Porcelain Glazing is applied in all surfaces Most glazing is done under 1600 F In PFM’s metal must be polished again (next session)