Basic Skills Initiative: Your senate’s role
Presenters Barbara Illowsky, De Anza College, BSI Project Director Ken Collins, Fullerton College Tom Rosdahl, LA Pierce College
Outcomes At the end of this session, we will: Know each other Understand at least two college processes for developing Action Plans Understand the role of senate in BSI Know techniques to ensure faculty participation in BSI
Agenda Introduction (15 minutes) Fullerton Experience (10 minutes) LA Pierce Experience (10 minutes) Role of senate in BSI (15 minutes) Ensuring faculty participation (20 minutes) Wrap up (5 minutes)
Introduction Why are you attending this session? Did your faculty decide where the BSI funds would be allocated? Who has budget oversight of BSI funds? Lots of concerns about shared governance process
Fullerton College Sept. 2007: FC Faculty and Administrators attend BSI training Oct. - Nov. 2007: Faculty Senate attempts to get College President to agree to form a committee Dec. 12, 2007: President and Senate finally reach mutual agreement on committee composition.
Fullerton College Jan. 2008: BSI Committee has it’s first working meeting Apr. 3, 2008: BSI Committee Faculty Chair gives first report to Faculty Senate Informs Senate that BSI Committee did not perform self-assessment due to time constraints Apr. 9, 2008: Juan Cruz of System Office advises me not to sign the Action Plan
Fullerton College Apr. 10, 2008: After discussion with College President, Juan Cruz advises me to sign the Action and Expenditure Plan after the Committee does a retroactive self- assessment May 1, 2008: FC Action and Expenditure plan is submitted to System Office.
LA Pierce College The Student Success Committee (BSI) is a standing committee of the Academic Senate and reports to the senate. The Basic Skills Action Plan was developed by the Student Success Committee and approved by the Academic Senate. All requests for Basic Skills funds are presented to and approved by the Student Success Committee.
Role of Academic Senate Section Definitions (Title 5 & Ed Code) Academic Senate means an organization whose primary function is to make recommendations with respect to academic and professional matters.
Ensuring Faculty Participaton Small group discussions – what should your college do? Report out