Healthy Food Outlet Project Sonoma County A project of…
Introduction Research Project Goals Toolkit & Scorecard Overview Project Components Next Steps
Limited investment and buy-in Success…until assistance ends Success = profits for store Failure = waste and lack of incentives Text heavy toolkits Start with low-hanging fruit Research
Project Goals Store investment and buy-in User friendly toolkit Incentives Profit driven Provide technical assistance Sustainable
Toolkit Introduction FAQs Project Checklist Food Safety Requirements Agreement Commitment to Customer Health Store Assessment Scorecard Improving Your Score Employee Training Recognition Program Evaluation Resources
Scorecard Categories Actual Points Possible Points Sells a variety of fresh fruit 1 10 Up to 12 Sells good quality fresh fruit 2 4 Up to 8 Sells a variety of fresh vegetables 1 10 Up to 12 Sells good quality fresh vegetables 2 6 Up to 8 Prices for fresh fruit and vegetables are reasonable 3 5 Up to 10 Sells other healthy food items 4 6 Up to 10 Participates in the Network for a Healthy California Retail Program Provides health promotion information near fresh produce Products Stocked (Meets Standards > 51) 41 Up to 60 Marketing and Promotion (Meets Standards > 16) 7 Up to 20 The numbers next to the category descriptions refer to Sections 1-19 of the toolkit where you will find recommendations for improving your score.
Phase I - Engagement Engage food outlets Conduct store assessment Determine “incentive” qualifications Distribute “introductory packet”
Introductory Packet Cover letter Toolkit Copy of Letter of Agreement Score Card Commitment to Customer Health Mini-Grant Application Incentive Qualifications
Phase 2 - Implementation Evaluation: Manager’s Interview Submit mini-grant application Steps to Creating a Healthy Food Outlet Employee training Conduct follow-up assessment Distribute “advertising packet”
Advertising Packet Acceptance letter Window decals Certificate of recognition Out-of-home advertising Electronic version of project logo Hungry?Eat Fruit. Recognized Sonoma County Healthy Food Outlet
Phase 3 – Evaluation & Promotion Media coverage Evaluation: Customer Survey Evaluation: Return on Investment Assess store annually
Next Steps Healthy Food Outlet Website Business Incentives Volunteer Training Program CX3 Contractor “Certification” Program Funding for Staff Buyer’s Co-Op Secure Research Grant
Anthony Taylor County of Sonoma Department of Health Services (707) Laurie Haitt, MPH HEAL Food Outlet Contractor (707)