Misty Zyvoloski
To provide/equip staff, community members and students with current knowledge and equipment necessary to effectively utilize the current technology available in order to: Effectively communicate Organize and utilize data Provide access to the curriculum and current events. Provide immediate evaluation results. Equip our students with the technology skills necessary to complete their education and career goals
Ask for staff, student and community input and suggestions for technology improvement. A survey of questionnaire format could be used for this data collection. Form a technology team, with a representative from each grade level, specialty area and school community members.
Ask the school technology team to meet and review the data collected from the staff surveys. Organize and assess the immediate needs and rank these needs by importance. Have each technology team member report these findings to their grade/specialty and community members.
Set up a meeting with the district Technology Coordinator to review the needs and funding currently available for the school. Share the data collected from the staff/ students and community members with the Technology coordinator. Develop a rough draft of a technology plan to review with the school Technology Team.
Meet with the school Technology Team to create a final copy of a school Technology Plan. Share the Technology Plan with the entire staff at a staff meeting. Share the Technology Plan with the Parent Teacher Organization.
Meet with the district Technology Coordinator to finalize technology procurement and staff development opportunities. Offer to provide staff/parent technology development opportunities for the district at our school. Continue to meet with Technology Team monthly to share opportunies during the year.
1. Assess School Needs. 2. Involve Staff members in developing a plan. Create a school Technology team. 3. Obtain input and support for technology improvement from the community. 4. Meet with the Technology Coordinator and develop a Plan/draft based on funding. Develop a final plan and share the plan with all stakeholders. 5. Obtain technology and plan for staff/student community education opportunities. 6. Attend Technology conferences myself and encourage staff members to also attend and share information with staff.