Professional Development for 21st Century Success: J Professional Development for 21st Century Success: J.Donovan,CDF District 215 This look, business casual and professional, is a great choice for teens. Not only is it simple and easy to put together, but it still looks great for any job interview. Interview Attire: Professional & Business Casual
For young women, a skirt is an option as well For young women, a skirt is an option as well. The skirt pictured here is an appropriate length. Remember not to wear a skirt that's too short, or too tight. Professionalism is key! This young women's suit coat adds a nice touch and pulls together her interview attire well.
A blouse paired with classic slacks and a tasteful belt is a good choice for interview attire. This outfit looks professional and neat, and looks nice as well.
In a button down and tie, this young man looks professional and well dressed for any job interview. This is a great option for young men applying for jobs.
This young man is wearing a more casual option, but it's still suited well for an interview. A button down without a tie, and nice, well-fitting khakis are an excellent option for young men.