At the bell, ALL DIFFERING VIEWPOINTS need to be in the basket! Please retrieve ALL SUPPLIES for Policy Recommendation, and begin powering up laptops. PLEASE CLOSE LAPTOP ONCE IT’S LOGGED ON. WE WILL HAVE ANOTHER SENIOR PROJECT WORK NIGHT: TONIGHT FROM 5PM – 8PM UP HERE.
TODAY’S AGENDA Write Now: Brainstorm Policy Recommendation 15 minutes Read/Discuss Policy Recommendation 15 minutes Annotated Bibliography Update – show one entry by end of the period Draft Policy Recommendation / Annotated Bib DUE NEXT TIME: Policy Recommendation (beginning of the period) DUE MONDAY: Annotated Bibliography and Outline
Policy Recommendation This is the only section where you can give your opinion on the law. You may not use personal pronouns (I, we, you, etc.), and you may not show bias. Your recommendation must be based solely on facts that are relevant to the policy (i.e. not based on religion or personal experience alone). Remember to cite your sources. Paragraph One: Should the policy stay the same or change? Why? What facts/evidence led you to this conclusion? You must include facts from outside sources. If it should change, what should the policy be instead? Be specific. Paragraph Two: Is your recommendation politically feasible? (Would politicians be able to support it without committing political suicide?) Explain. Is your recommendation economically feasible (Can we afford it?) Explain.
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Annotation = Summary and/or Evaluation Annotated Bibliography includes a summary and/or evaluation of each source. Need at least 10 sources in Annotated Bibliography. Each annotation must do the following in one complete paragraph: Summarize – what are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? Briefly tell your reader about this source. Assess – Evaluate this source. Is this a good source? What makes it a good source? What makes it a bad source? Reflect – Where and how are you going to use this source? Must be specific and answer both questions. What section of the paper will you use this source? What material are you going to use? Sample entry: Ehrenreich, B. (2001). Nickel and dimed: On (not) getting by in America. New York: Henry Holt and Company. This website provides a timeline of events leading to the creation of the internet. It also includes brief explanations of the changes over time. 90 percent of the material is useful because of the amount of detail the information provides. For cyber-security laws, this will help document history and background of events leading to the law. Furthermore, it supplied a great list of links to further explore.
Reminder about Outline! Remember that you need to be continually adding to your outline! This will be due with your annotated bibliography.