Welcome to Mr. Romano’s 6 th Grade Math Class
Welcome Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Feel free to bring up thoughts, comments or concerns throughout the year.
Your Behavior RESPECT People, Place and Things Line up at the door in a single file line and wait to be told to enter the classroom. Stay seated at all times unless you are given permission to move. Bathroom use should be limited to emergencies Sharpen your pencils at the beginning of class Excuses end at the door. Book bags and cell phones should be left in your locker.
My Class Expectations I expect for you to: Try your best and make mistakes. Be excited about learning. Feel comfortable, safe and think positively in class. Learn or improve your understanding math concepts. Learn to appreciate math and understand how it is used in life.
Your Class Rules & Expectations Rules Be respectful Be nice to/help others Always act in a safe and appropriate manner No cheating or plagarizing Raise your hand if you have something to say Clean up after yourself Be to class on time Expectations Try your best and never give up Believe in yourself Stay organized and be prepared for class Pay attention Ask questions and for help Follow directions Have a positive attitude Hold yourself accountable – no excuses Complete all assignments to the best of your ability and turn them in on time
Class Procedures Structured Class Most days the routine will be similar. You will become familiar with the routine and know what to expect. Room Layout Dismissal You will be dismissed after all materials are returned, the room is clean and you are seated quietly in your seats. Grading Combination of homework, quizzes/tests/projects, and participation/preparation and effort.
IMS’ Grading Policy Minor Assignments will count for two-thirds (2/3) and major assessments will count as one-third (1/3) of a student’s grade. All submitted student work will receive a minimum score of 50, unless determined by the teacher that little or no effort was made by the student, in which case a lower numerical mark may be given and recorded. If work is not submitted then a 0 will be given. Plagiarism – First offense will result in meeting with guidance and parents/guardians will be notified. The plagiarized assignment will have to be done but the highest grade that can be earned is a 74. Future plagiarism offenses will require a meeting with parents/guardians and a 0 will give given for the assignment. Any situation that involves cheating will result in a 0 for that assignment.
Supplies Each and everyday you should have the following with you: Pencils, pencils and more pencils! A inch binder with sections for: Do Nows Class notes Classwork Homework Handouts/Returned Work TI-34II Calculator A positive attitude
Homework Homework is an important piece of learning that enables you to practice the lesson and learn from your mistakes. It is not issued to just consume your time. No effort on homework assignments is NOT acceptable! A ll Homework should include: Your name, the date and assignment (page and problems) at the top of the page (if necessary) The problems that were assigned (if necessary) An attempt to complete all of the problems like they were solved in class. No shortcuts – Show all work!
Homework If homework is due: Enter class and put your homework in your block’s homework letter tray and then proceed to your seat and begin the Do Now. You homework will be graded using the following scale: % complete, done as expected, on-time 3 - Mostly complete or 1 -2 days late 2 - Partially done and/or more than 2 day late 0 – not done If your homework is not completed or it is only partly done, complete a pink slip explaining why you didn’t do it and hand the slip to Mr. Romano.
Class Website Our class website is: Romanosclass.com The site offers: Seasonal features Homework assignments Class Notes Test and Quiz announcements IMS’ Grading Policy Reference guides, graph paper and useful links
Textbook Website Our textbook website: My.hrw.com Class Username: mathf12 Class Password: Math14 This site offers: An online version of the textbook Extra practice worksheets Math Tutorials Interactive Lessons Manipulatives
Brainstorming Activity It’s up to you.
Fire Drill and Evacuations Fire Drill - Students are to exit the room, make a left and proceed out the doors and up the walkway. Evacuation - Follow the fire drill procedures. You will either be sent to the football bleachers (right side when approaching bleachers) or the JFK high school gym (left side when entering JFK gym).
Lockdown and Lockout If a Lockdown or a Lockout is announced we have to: Turn off the lights and lock the door Close all blinds and windows, cover the hall window and collect cell phones. Additionally, for a… Lockdown: Sit quietly on the floor by the hall window so that we are out of sight from the door. Lockout: All students should sit quietly below the heater so that we are out of sight from the windows. The only message that ends emergency procedures is “Code Purple”.
Shelter in Place and Code Blue A Shelter in Place means there is an external environmental hazard exists. If a Shelter in Place is announced, we have to: Turn off the lights and lock the door. Close all blinds and windows and cover the hall window. Continue class until further notice. A Code Blue means that there is a medical emergency in the school. Enter a shelter in place until the emergency is over and “Code Purple” is announced.