Chromium By Collin Clingerman
Periodic Table Information Chromium Symbol : Cr Atomic Number : 24 Atomic Mass : Period Number : 4 Group Number : 6
Picture Of Element Chromium
Picture Of Atom Of Element
Physical Properties Melting Point: 2180 [or 1907 °C (3465 °F)] K Boiling Point : 2944 [or 2671 °C (4840 °F)] K Liquid Range : 764 K
Chemical Properties Chromium is unstable in oxygen, it immediately produces a thin oxide layer that is impermeable to oxygen and protects the metal below. It does not tarnish in air, when heated it borns and forms the green chromic oxide.
Uses Of Chromium Magnetic tape (used in audio cassettes and high-class audio tapes) is made from a magnetic compound of chromium. Stainless steel, used in many applications, is made when chromium is added to iron. Some people might use stainless steel knives in the kitchen!
History Of Chromium Chromium was discovered by Louis-Nicholas Vauquelin at 1797 in France. Origin from the Greek word "chroma" meaning "colour", named for the many coloured compounds known for chromium.
Isotopes Chromium has four isotopes which consist of 50Cr, 52Cr, 53Cr, 54Cr.
Interesting Facts Chromium has atomic number 24. It is the first element in Group 6 on the Periodic Table Chromium is a hard, lustrous, steel- gray metal. Stainless Steel is hard and resists corrosion due to the addition of chromium.