The Environmental Caucus: Breaking Down Silos to Create a Culture of Sustainability
Breaking Down Silos: The Environmental Caucus Mission Statement: The Environmental Caucus facilitates creative and strategic communication across campus to advance the institutional commitment to sustainability and to promote education, research, and collaboration on the environment. History and Organization Self-organized, not appointed Began with conversations with key faculty leaders, then an electronic poll to determine priority roles and initiatives Non-hierarchical – faculty, staff, students Cross-disciplinary – Everyone welcome, even community partners people participate in monthly meetings, plus action teams and Steering Committee; 400 on listserv 1/3 time staff support through Research Division; currently 2 paid student interns at 10 hours/week Greatest strengths Forum for cross-campus networking Unexpected partners Incredible catalyst for student engagement We are all equals and involved in decision making Viral energy – leading to creative, solutions-oriented approach to implement the Climate Action Plan Synergy -- the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Current Action Teams Advocacy for the ACUP Climate Commitment Ponderosa 2.0/Curriculum and the Environment Student Environmental Caucus Action Group for Water Advocacy (AGWA) Transportation Sustainable Environmental Practices NAU's Environmental Identity
Accomplishments in Launched Green NAU website – Sparked completion of ACUP Climate Action Plan Supported significant student action (Green Fund, ARTs, etc.) Reactivated the Ponderosa Group Advanced the Global Learning Initiative Developed sustainability as NAU Marketing theme Connected faculty, staff, students in cross-boundary initiatives Gave first annual Sustainability Leadership Awards Linked student energy to operations and academic programs. Perhaps the most sustainable of all practices is building relationships, networking, and sharing information and resources. RESULTS… BUY-IN: Ownership by multiple groups (staying power) HOLISTIC SOLUTIONS: Creativity/diverse perspectives RELATIONSHIPS: Network for future initiatives EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS: Purposeful use of resources FULFILLMENT AND FUN: Building a positive community!
Shelley Silbert, Chair Environmental Caucus (928)