“How the Spirit Leads to Growing In Holiness” Romans 8:9-17
The Christian Life Pilgrimage From “Just as I am…” To “Nothing Between My Soul and My Savior” Growing Securely in Love and IN His love is the roadway
1. The Spirit Indwells Rebirth As Our “Helper!” Complete one time – Acts 2:38 We can: * grieve the Spirit (Ephesians 4:30) * quench the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19) * resist the Spirit (Acts 7:51) All of which diminish His Lordship over us * dim His light in us * render us neutralized
The Spirit Works By Prompting Placing a burden (or assignment) Eph. 2:10 In ways consistent with the Word Allowing failure/ frustration in the flesh via hardships Coach Reed Suggs
He Works At Forming the Image of Jesus in Us – vs. 29 Get Sin OUT; righteous behavior IN So He convicts in these areas “Convict” means we see the same thing “Confess” means we say the same thing Goal: be “schooled” in these areas * conviction concerning sin patterns * conviction concerning judgment * conviction concerning righteousness (John 16:8-9)
How the Spirit Leads His leading confirms our sonship vs. 13 – put to death deeds of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21) Vs. 14- confirms your salvation/sonship “these are the sons of God” vs. 16 – “Spirit bears witness we are children”
How The Spirit Leads (cont’d) Vs. 15 – NOT slavery, “have to” religion (the law) that leads to fear in failures Rather: spirit of adoption = “Abba” “Daddy!” Establishes unity in the body… Ephesians 4:3 “being diligent to preserve unity” Acts 1:14 – “in one mind” Acts 2:1 – “they were all with one accord in one place” … to fulfill His purposes for His Church
The Spirit’s Ministry Brings Glory to Jesus Christ "He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you” (John 16:14). ** The Spirit’s concentration is always on Jesus being MAGNIFIED … not you! ** To facilitate THAT, He discloses the insights of Jesus to you to the degree you are receptive
Someone’s “Map” of Grand Canyon
Or, Seeing a Photo Vs. Being There! Work of the Spirit is to “Get You With Jesus!”