Groups and Virtual Organizations REFEDS, TNC2015
Work in Progress: VO Assessment Template To help NRENs structure the questions for VOs they want to support To educate VOs on what they need to think about in order to work with an NREN Expected completion: July VO+Assessment+Template
Work in Progress: Value Proposition for Identity Federation Emerging RENs need help – Specifically, CIOs need help framing the argument for funding, and in determining the priorities for staff – The need to support campus researchers and VOs is a big part of this Topic discussed at the APAN REFEDS meeting in Fukuoka, Japan, March 2015 Several people have contributed text; many thanks to Joni Brennan (Kantara), Chris Phillips (CANARIE), Lucy Lynch (NSRC) Expected completion: August The+Value+Proposition+for+Identity+Federations
Not Yet Started: Challenges in the VO Space Intent is to create a white paper pulling together the input from FIM4R, from individual VOs, and from organizations trying to support VOs on the latest challenges in the VO space This will be a living document on the REFEDs wiki
Standards and Specifications REFEDS, TNC2015
SCHAC Status Schema has been updated to – no major changes Full schema is available on the wiki; PDF and wiki markup copies
SCHAC Editorial Board Mikael Linden (CSC) Thomas Lenggenhager (SWITCH) Pål Axelsson (Uppsala University) Jaime Pérez Crespo (UNINETT) Peter Schober (ACOnet) Miroslav Milinovic (SRCE) John Paschoud (Independent expert) Heather Flanagan (secretary, SCHAC shepherd)
What’s Next: Collaboration between the SCHAC editorial board and the organizational home for eduPerson – See: First official turnover of half the editorial board
The Entity Category SAML Attribute Types – Independent Submissions Editor (ISE) is working hard to shop this draft around for thorough review (this is a good thing) – Some reviews have already been completed; useful substantive comments to be incorporated
Metadata Query Protocol and SAML Profile and draft-young-md-query<draft-young- md-query-saml> Query draft updated with experience out of the InCommon pilot; also references the new HTTP/1.1 RFCs Given ongoing learning with running code, when do we consider these “done enough”?