Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July 2011 Technology Watch and Standardization Venkatesen Mauree Programme Coordinator ITU ITU-T Workshop on Bridging the Standardization Gap and Interactive Training Session (Nadi, Fiji, 4 – 6 July 2011 )
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July Agenda Motivation Target audience Publications Possible Impact Working methods
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July Motivation Rapid changes in ICT environment Demand for “real time” standardization Foresight and early identification of hot topics for standardization necessary Creation of Technology Watch Function by World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA) Resolution 66 (Johannesburg, 2008) Resolution 22 i) and 22 resolves 1g) (Florianópolis, 2004)
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July Motivation […] survey new technologies for possible new standardization activities in ITU and how such technologies can be included within the ITU-T work programme […] identify emerging technologies, […] their likely impact on future standardization work for both developed and developing countries […] […] propose possible ITU-T standardization as early as possible […] collaborate with other SDOs, universities, academia
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July Target Audience Decision makers in ITU-T, ITU, TSB Study Group management and delegates ITU Membership Readers in developed and developing countries Language accessible to non-specialists
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July Publications Technology Watch Report 8-15 pages Up-to-date review of new ICTs Impact assessment of new technologies on developed and developing countries View to identifying areas and gaps for new standards work in ITU-T TechWatch Alert 3-5 pages Overview of emerging technologies, trends, ideas and related standards in ICTs
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July Publications Technology Watch Reports Intelligent Transport Systems and CALM (10/2007) TelePresence: High performance video-conferencing (11/2007) ICTs and Climate Change (12/2007) Ubiquitous Sensor Networks (02/2008) Remote Collaboration Tools (03/2008) Technical aspects of Lawful Interception (05/2008) NGNs and Energy Efficiency (08/2008) Standardization Activities for Intelligent Transport Systems (10/2008) Distributed Computing: Utilities, Grids & Clouds (03/2009) The Future Internet (04/2009) ICTs and Food Security (08/2009) Biometrics and Standards (12/2009)
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July Publications Technology Watch Reports Decreasing Driver Distraction (08/2010) ICT as an Enabler for Smart Water Management (10/2010) Using Submarine Communications Networks to Monitor the Climate (11/2010) Standards and eHealth (01/2011) The Optical World (06/2011)
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July Publications Where can you find our work? Technology Watch website ITU News magazine (extracts) ITU-T Newslog (announcements) Mailing list (announcements) Scribd (“YouTube for documents”)
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July Possible Impact (example of ICT & Climate Change) Idea Technology Watch Report Focus Group Study Group Standards Workshops Scientific articles Resolutions COP15
Nadi, Fiji, 4-6 July Working Method Policy and Technology Watch Team Topics proposed mainly by TSB Secretariat, based on discussions, literature review, etc. Drafts by TechWatch Secretariat, based on literature research, Study Group documents, web resources, etc. Internal review, in consultation with ITU Sectors, limited external participation/feedback Outside authorship welcome Collaborating network of experts: open to Study Group delegates, ITU members, academia, universities, other interested parties, TSB Provide a platform to spotlight and promote new ideas to “non-experts”
4 March Conclusion Identify emerging technologies and introduce them to standardization work programme as early as possible Technology Watch survey new technologies and to identify work items for standardization work Collaboration of experts is required and welcome to improve quality and impact of Technology Watch Subscribe to to get
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