I. Zacchaeus 1. Rascal : Chief tax collector, 2 Unlikely convert 2. Rich, 2 Herod made Jericho rich Climbed a tree to see Jesus, 4 Lk.3:12-13
I have made many millions, but they have brought me no happiness (John W. Rockefeller) Millionaires seldom smile (Andrew Carnegie) Riches Add luxurySubtract peace
Rascal Rich 3. Repented, 8 Had set heart on riches; now gives half of it to relieve suffering Minimum Minimum repayment for stolen goods in OT: 20% (Lv 6:1-5) Maximum Maximum: 400% (Ex.22:1-5; 2 Sm.12:6) He did not minimize his sin 1 Sm.15
Rascal... Rich... Repented Restored, 8 If he gained most of his wealth dishonestly, he could not make fourfold restitution and give ½ away Car MDR Taxes…
His change of ways: Proves his change of heart (sincere repentance) Clears Lord from charge of condoning sin
Hypocrites encourage blasphemy “If a man see that his evil propensities are likely to prevail against him, let him go to some place where he is not known, and let him put on black clothes, and cover his head with a black veil; and then let him do whatever he pleases, lest the name of God should be publicly profaned” – Rabbi Ilai Ps.139
Rascal... Rich... Repented... Restored… 5. Righteous, 9 Salvation; son of Abraham, 9 Son of Ab. by birth: Cannot save Jn.8 Son of Ab. by faith: Saves Ga.3
II. Critics And Spectators 1. Murmured, 7. Lk.15 “Man who is a sinner” 2. Easily saw sins in others (2 Sm.12) “All” were astonished Amazing grace, Lk.18:9-14; 1 Co.1:26 The crowd expected Him to proclaim His kingdom at Jerusalem
I. Zacchaeus II. Critics And Spectators III. Jesus
1. He knows us, our sins, needs, weaknesses, 5 Jn.10:3 They named sheep as we name horses, cats, and dogs He knew the character of Zacchaeus as well as He knew his name Lk.18:…24-27
2. He wants a relationship with us, 5 “With Me?!” Does He live at your house? When it was over, Jesus associated w. a saved man (9-10)
3. He brings out the best in us, 8 Sycophant Came to mean: accuse falsely, slander, cheat, blackmail, and extort This sycophant retired
4. He came to save, 10 Explains “must” (v.5) Treed him, took him home, saved him Forfeited privileges as son of Abraham Jesus saved / raised him to a higher position than he occupied by birth Sin has not cost us as much as Jesus can give us Zac.: see Jesus!Jesus: save Zac.!
Rv.3:20 Today (= Lk.23:43) Many want to be saved like thief on cross Want to be saved like Zacchaeus?