CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler CLIC related Activities and Projects at Helsinki University M. Aicheler
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler CLIC RF structure R&D high-precision assembly & machining R&D for CLIC RF structures and RF-components (in collaboration with VTT & Finnish companies…) model thermo-mechanical behavior of CLIC module during operation industrialization & cost study for CLIC RF structures Summer students on various CLIC RF structure related issues Bi-Directional coupler from ProtoshopSplitter from Loval
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler Talk yesterday at 11:40
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler Talk today at 15:20
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler MeChanICs FP7/People/IAPP (Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways) project MeChanICs, “Marie Curie linking Industry to CERN” start September 1 st 2010, end 30 th of August 2014 budget: ~ 1 M€ to enhance knowledge exchange between Partners in high precision manufacturing by two-way intersectoral secondments and dissemination workshops
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler MeChanICs Objective: enable & enhance long term industry participation in CLIC, Compact LInear Collider, RF structure R&D Participation in each step of RF structure manufacturing - 5 Work Packages
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler Secondments and recruitments Today For more information:
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler ‘TAVAKS’ (~”To Habit”) Customer oriented development of ultrahigh precision manufacturing in Finnish industry TArkuuusValmistuksen Asiakaslähtöinen valmiuksien Kehittäminen Suomalaisessa teollisuudessa Project introduction University of Helsinki, Helsinki Istitute of Physics, HIP Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT North Carelia University of Applied Science, NKUAS
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler The aim of the project is to increase the knowhow and capability of manufacturing ultra-high precision components and assemblies in Finnish industry. Productions steps from raw material to finalized components and assemblies are considered as well as the requirements and interaction between different steps in the production chain. 6 work packages: WP 1 Material research WP 2 Ultra-high precision machining&Pre-machining WP 3 Diffusion bonding and laser welding WP 4 State of the Art and Market analysis WP 5 International cooperation WP 6 Coordination Development work is based on CLIC components and assemblies. One goal is to establish capability to produce CLIC disks and test components and support CLIC development work. TAVAKS Objectives
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler Mectalent MetsoLewel CERN TAVAKS MeChanICs Lewel MetsoLoval Mectalent Tarkmet CLIC UH/HIP Secondments, work shops; knowledge exchange Company, production R&D Loval Tarkmet Protoshop Comatech LuvataMetlab Mikes MeChanICs TAVAKS
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler Research Organisations Helsinki Istitute of Physics UH/HIP Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT North Carelian University of Applied Science NKUAS Industrial partners Loval Oy, bonding (MeChanICs) Tarkmet Oy, laser welding (MeChanICs) Protoshop Oy, machining Comatec Oy, FE-modeling Luvata Oy, material delivery for project needs Metlab Oy, metallurgical analysis Centre for Metrology and Accreditation MIKES Funding has been applied from TEKES separately for the individual projects. (TEKES=Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation). Project is planned to last 2 years, from 2012 to TAVAKS partners and funding No central funding from TEKES Individual funding -> working on machining development for RF components
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler C ollider L inking I nitiative to M edical applications and B eyond ESR = Early stage researchers PEOPLE - MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN Multi-Partner ITN Budget: 4 mio Euros Timeframe: 4 years Status: under evaluation
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler Full Participants University of Helsinki CERN Uppsala University Wuppertal University Loval Oy LT-Ultra Paul-Scherrer-Institute CEA Sacley TERA University of Valencia National Technical University of Athens Associated Partners University of Tartu Ecole Polythenique Federale de Lausanne Liverpool University CLIMB structure Number of involved countries (full partners):7 Number of CERN hosting ESRs:2
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler CLIMB (expected) dates Result of the evaluation:04/2013 Decision for funding:05/2013 Negotiations:09/2013 Project launch:01/2014 … more details next year on CLIC-WS2014!!! Not funded but will be resubmitted in a altered form for Horizon 2020 in April 2014!
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler Thank you and see you soon!
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler Spare slides
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler COOLING TUBE VACUUM MANIFOLD & COOLING SYSTEM COOLING FITTING WAVEGUIDE INTERCONNECTION WFM WAVEGUIDE VACUUM FLANGE BONDED DISK STACK RF FLANGE ALIGNMENT VACUUM PORT BEAM DIRECTION WP 1 MeChanICs Design, Lewel Group participation of CLIC accelerating structures design (containing all necessary systems) 3 TeV CLIC will have such structures Added value for Lewel: learnt vacuum techniques
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler WP 2 MeChanICs material, Metso Material research: HIP-diffusion bonding of copper disks The effect of heat treatment to diamond turned copper surface The effect of HIP-treatment to physical properties of solid copper HIP compaction of copper powder Brazing of copper with electrodeposited coating Added value for Metso: learned more about Cu
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler WP 3 MeChanICs machining, Tarkmet 26 high-precision machined disks (OFE Cu, shape accuracy 2.5 m, surface roughness m, 45 to 88 mm) in each accelerator structure Topics of the work: Precision machining Laser welding Metrology
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler WP 4 MeChanICs brazing, Loval Bonding of the disk stack in partial H 2 pressure 26 high-precision machined disks (OFE Cu, shape accuracy 2.5 m, surface roughness m, 45 to 88 mm) bonded together
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler WP 5 MeChanICs assembly, Mectalent prototypes of CLIC accelerating structures assembly, tooling, test module, environment, thermomechanical behaviour, metrology, validation large series production design
CLIC-WS2014 M. Aicheler The effect of discharges in ESEMUppsalaWP-1 High Gradient Studies: Physical processes on surfaces during high power operationHIPWP-1 Systematic investigation of the current stability of field emitters on Cu-based materialsWuppertal UniversityWP-1 Instrumentation for characterization of discharges in Accelerating StructuresUppsalaWP-2 Ultra high precision joining and assembly studiesLovalWP-2 Ultra high precision machining studiesLT-UltraWP-2 Klystron development for 5 12 GHzCEA SaclayWP-2 Coating development for low temperature VacuumCERN/TEWP-2 Design and Development of Electro-Magnetic and Hybrid Tunable Magnets SystemsCERN/TEWP-2 Development of an advanced design of strip line kickersCSIC-UVWP-2 Optimized design of a novel high-gradient accelerating structure for a therapy cyclinacTERAWP-3 Cyclinac conception, integration and implementationNTUAWP-3 Compact boosters for medical cyclotronsPSIWP-3 ESRs will interact with each other for mutual information and understanding Common seminars and training weeks CLIMB S&T topics