Welcome to “Colorado’s Changing Energy Portfolio” Susan Sullivan, Susan Lynds, John McDaris, Amanda Morton CO Working Group: Penny Whitney, John Sepich, Scott Fast, Dale Orth November 14-15, 2015 University of Colorado, Boulder Funded by NSF Award and
2 What is CIRES? University of Colorado, Boulder NOAA Joint Institute Established 1967, oldest, largest cooperative institute NASA, NSF and NOAA funded (mostly) Study across all of Earth Systems ~ 850 employees
4 Goals for the workshop Learn about the latest research in energy science, environmental aspects and workforce needs Find high quality teaching resources for use in your classroom Integrate new energy science into your syllabus And, develop connections between community college faculty.
5 Beyond soundbites
6 We use a lot of energy. It’s worth asking if we use it wisely. Every large scale energy production means has costs and benefits. Maintaining the status quo is a decision. We could stand to ask richer questions. Don Duggan Haas hydrofracking-as-a-gateway-drug-to-energy-literacy/
7 TimeNovember 14 Agenda Item 8:00-8:30Check in, coffee 8:30-9:00Welcome 9:00-10:00Colorado’s Energy Portfolio: Past, Present, Potential Break 10:15-11:00Decarbonizing the US Energy Sector-A Study in Optimization and Tradeoffs 11:00-12:00Begin group work and resource review Lunch 1:00-1:45The Nuts and Bolts of Oil and Gas 1:45-2:45Environmental Aspects of Energy Generation 3:00-4:30Complete resource review, Close and evaluation
8 TimeNovember 15 Agenda Item 8:00-8:30Coffee 8:30-8:45Overview of the Day, Roadcheck results 8:45-9:45Economic and Workforce Aspects of Energy 9:45-10:15Takeaways, Look forward, Individual Work 10:30-11:30Work session, break at your convenience 11:30-12:00Strategies for educating about controversial topics 12:00-1:00Lunch 1:00-2:00Round Robin Energy Education Resources Showcase 2:00-3:00Complete individual work, prepare for Gallery Walk 3:15-4:30Gallery Walk and Close
9 Logistics Laptops and Internet-use Guest Wireless Restrooms and breaks Lunch-Jason’s Deli, Panera Stipends, forms, per diem for travelers Stipend requirements-pre, during, post – Date for virtual reflection: mid-May? – Synchronous and asynchronous options Questions?
10 Who is here? Faculty teaching courses in: Environmental Science, Integrated Science, Biology, Geography, Energy Tech, Geology Campuses all over Colorado
11 What people want to know or do Labs! Short, exploratory and constructivist, hands-on Appropriate for outdoor setting, classroom, college lab Case studies Information on job market Accuracy on environmental issues Regional and state-specific examples
12 Resources Post-it notes for questions or needs Workshop website Resources page energy/resources.html energy/resources.html – Add to it throughout workshop using comment box – CLEAN