Section 1
Key industries were barely making profits Railroads, textile, steel, housing starts declined Farmers Need a Lift Demand and crop prices fell after WWI Farmers grew more to make profits, which depressed prices Banks foreclosed on farm properties and many banks began to fail Congress tried to help but Coolidge vetoed their attempts
Rising prices, stagnant wages, and overbuying on credit meant consumers were spending less Living on Credit Living beyond their means meant piles of debt so many consumers cut spending Uneven Distribution of Income 70% of families earned less than $2,500 per year Families that made twice as much could not afford new conveniences
Election of 1928 Republican Hoover v. Democrat Alfred Smith “We in America are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before.”- Hoover Dreams of Riches Many Americans bought stocks hoping to make fortunes Speculation and buying on margin fueled the rising prices
Downturn in September Black Tuesday October 29, 1929 16.4 million shares were sold with additional millions unable to sell
Bank and Business Failures Money withdrawn from banks in panic Between 1929 and ,000 banks closed and 13 million people (25% of the workforce) were out of jobs Worldwide Shock Waves America couldn’t import as many foreign goods Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act- highest protective tariff in U.S. history Causes of the Great Depression Tariffs and war debt policies, farm crisis, easy credit, unequal distribution of income
Section 2
Cities Shantytowns sprang up (Hoovervilles) Soup kitchens and bread lines Racial discrimination increased Rural Areas Had the advantage of being able to grow their own food Dust Bowl Drought, overproduction, and wind Farm families followed Route 66 to California
Men in the Streets Trying to search for jobs; some gave up the search and left their families out of shame Women Struggle to Survive Canned food, sewed clothing, some worked outside the home and became targets of resentment Children Suffer Malnutrition, school closures, teenagers became “Hoover tourists” riding the rails Social and Psychological Effects Suicides increased, stopped going to the doctor or dentist, gave up getting married or going to college Saving became a habit for millions of Americans
Section 3
Hoover’s Philosophy Government should encourage and facilitate cooperation Believed people should succeed on their own efforts and not count on the government to bail them out Hoover Takes a Cautious Step Asked employers not to cut wages or lay off workers Asked labor leaders not to demand higher wages or go on strike
Boulder Dam Providing electricity, flood control, and a regular water supply to seven states Democrats win Congressional Elections (1930) Republicans lost their majority in the House and had a one vote majority in the Senate Farmer’s react Dumping milk, burning crops, and blocking roads all in the hopes of raising food prices
Backing Cooperatives Organizations that were created out of the cooperation of private entities Federal Farm Board- intended to raise farm prices by keeping crops off the market Direct Intervention Federal Home Loan Bank Act Lowered mortgage rate, allowed farmers to refinance to avoid foreclosures Reconstruction Finance Corporation Authorized $2 billion in loans to banks, life insurance companies, railroads, and other large businesses
Patman Bill Denied Authorized the payment of bonuses to WWI veterans to be paid out in 1945 Hoover provided food and supplies Disbanding the Bonus Army WWI veterans who marched on Washington to receive their bonus pay early Senate denied the bill and Hoover ordered the army to leave Hoover called out troops to burn the bonus army’s encampment