Color Theory Lisa Chui
Color Wheel
Primary Colors: Secondary Colors: Tertiary Colors: Red Blue Yellow (These three colors can create all other colors) Secondary Colors: Green Orange, Purple Tertiary Colors: Primary color + Secondary color
Color Mixing: Green = Blue + Yellow Orange = Red + Yellow Purple = Red + Blue Black is a SHADE (used to darken a color) White is a TINT (used to lighten a color) Brown and Beige are NEUTRALS Brown = Yellow, Red, Blue Beige = White, Yellow, Red, Blue
Monochromatic Relationship Colors that are shade or tint variations of the same hue.
Complementary Relationship Those colors across from each other on a color wheel. Makes colors appear brighter when place side-by-side.
Stare at the circle for 2 minutes without blinking:
Now close your eyes and what color do you see? Answer: You should have seen the complementary color which is “GREEN.”
Color can influence mood and perception: Cool Colors: Blue Green Purple (These colors can relax the viewer). Warm Colors: Red Yellow Orange (These colors can excite the viewers).
Cool Colors:
Warm Colors: