abcdefghijkl Home Contents Insurance - Social Rented Sector David Steane Scottish Executive 15 June 2005
abcdefghijkl Contents Background Approach Funding Review Findings Next Steps
Background Shettleston, July 2002 and other areas Low level of take-up in social rented sector “Assistance” (along with Awareness, Avoidance, Alleviation…and Adaptation??) Ideas considered to assist: xCompulsory Insurance xDirect funding from Executive to victims Build on Landlord Insurance schemes
abcdefghijkl Approach Build on Landlord Insurance schemes Establish Baseline situation Work with ABI and other stakeholders Provide funding to LAs and SFHA (RSLs) Review effectiveness of funding
abcdefghijkl Funding £500,000 total (2003/04): £400,000 distributed to LA, stock transfer organisations and SFHA £100,000 retained in Division for publicity campaign, production of leaflets/posters
abcdefghijkl Review Commenced early July 2004 Two parts: 1-Further Survey of Insurance Schemes Wider coverage? (~50,000 tenants had access to a scheme) Increased take-up? (~58% of tenants have contents insurance) 2-Identify what funding was used for, eg: Assisting to implement an Insurance scheme Training front-line staff Developing and publishing Local Promotional material Holding promotional events
abcdefghijkl Findings 28 of 32 LAs operate a scheme 75,000 tenants have insurance provided by LA schemes or 12% of the total social rented sector Funding primarily for local publicity campaigns Increase in take up of over 30% for SFHA Diamond Insurance Scheme Take up reported as increasing or about the same as 2002 in 89% of authorities
abcdefghijkl Next Steps Scottish Household Survey findings Research possibilities Performance standard? Workshops to share best practice Targeted publicity Financial inclusion considerations Support to Scottish Water Further survey of schemes