研究開発ネットワーク 役割と戦略的アプローチ WIDE プロジェクト 慶應義塾大学 村井 純
研究開発ネットワーク 非営利目的 さまざまな研究と開発の実証的な目的で 運営 戦略的なデザイン – 定義 – ポリシー – 運用モデル – 資金モデル
研究開発ネットワークの目的 科学技術の振興 ネットワーク技術の発展 教育・人材関係の推進 インターネット環境の展開 国際的な情報関係での我が国の位置づけ 科学技術系アカデミズムの役割 産業への展開の責任
For R&D vs To R&D High-level service network for high-level science research area High-level networking technology development and its deployment with high- level ‘ testees ’. People-Lab.-Campus –Service vs Research Dual purpose, dual links?
Throughput difference Pacific cable is not a bottleneck –10Gbps- Bottleneck at AI3 satellite network(ASIA) –100Mbps – 1Mbps –100Mbps – 64Kbps –6Mbps – 0bps (Myanmar) E2E performance issues –E2E throughput knowledge –Throughput based measurement action
Measurement Long history of difficulties Fund, Policy, Consensus R&D vs Commercial Feedback for developer and users CAIDA WIDE/MAWI
R&D Necklace? What should we do with EU-AP? R&D network role –Support R&D mission –Advanced R&D networking technology development –?(Backup of the Internet)? –?(Extraband width for the Internet)? –?(Network infrastructure support)?
Virtual to Real space R&D network –Truly global –No (or ‘ Much less ’ ) nationalism exist Space design for R&D network –Identifier space –Geographical location –P2P
Issues Peer-to-peer relationships on advanced networking going on in the region –Empowerment –Global Promotion Funding actions as the region –APAN-NSF-EU –Asia broadband strategies Distance education/training –Advanced education –Basic education –Human resource development
Network R&D R&E Service Commercial Internet Development WIDE Project NSFNet Not for profit WIDE/AIII Technology progress JGN EUNet EU/Africa Geant NSF/S. Americas NASA DOE APAN Internet2 SINET APII