Welcome to Language Arts; 7 th Grade Homeroom Ms. Greenhalgh
My Goals Increase confidence Positive learning environment Inter active learning experience Encourage independence and organization skills Homework and assignments are meant kept to enrich learning, not stress students and parents!
How to Succeed in Middle School Sunday Night Routine: Check Gradelink.com Check teacher websites for reminders, announcements, updates and homework for the week IXL Never leave class confused Make YOUR Assignment Book the all your friends want to consult Sleep 8 hours, play/ “break a sweat” 30 minutes everyday To encourage a happy learning environment… I always give students at least one week warning for all tests; Vocabulary quizzes always on Thursdays and Book Report due dates planned for entire year
What’s happening in… 6 th Grade: Congratulations, Hogwarts graduates! House Cup The Giver: job assignments 7 th Grade: Training center: special skills Cross-curricular social justice studies: the American work place, education, and fair wages 8 th Grade: Cross-curricular social justice studies: racism in literature and modern prisons
Literature Circles Differentiated learning: students in small groups are assigned novels and time frames complementary to their individual learning Grouped according to a variety of different reasons i.e.: Fluency work, comprehension skills, etc. (not simply high. grade- level, below grade-level, and above grade-level) Students have the opportunity to learn at their own pace Mondays: whole-group meeting Tuesday- Thursdays: small group learning I work with small groups, lessening teacher-student ratio Opportunity to group students according to their individual needs
How Much Help Should I Give My Middle School Child? Middle School is transition time! We move away from “family projects” and towards higher level student independence expected of them in high school and beyond According to Archdiocesan standards, students in grades 6-8 should spend 2 hours nightly on homework If, after this time, your child has put forth their best effort and is left exasperated, stressed, and exhausted, please stop! You may write me a note. Homework and other assignments are meant to enrich, not stress unnecessarily! Homework is a weekly packet to allow families to plan around soccer practice, family outings, etc.
Homework Policy Weekly Homework Packet: begin together in class, completed independently Always due Thursdays in time for Literature Circle group discussion “One More Day” Late homework pass When emergencies happen, students may use this to extend their deadline by ONE extra day Excludes long-term assignments Please check Gradelink.com regularly: report card should not be a surprise
WOW WORDS We LEARN vocabulary to be enrich our understanding and dialogue, so why memorize? WOW WORDS start small and add on throughout trimester 6 th Grade: start with 1, then 2, then 3, then 5 7 th Grade: start with 3, then 4, then 5 8 th Grade: start with 5 5 additional words added each week until end of Trimester (weekly quizzes are cumulative) WOW WORD quiz every Thursday
Book Reports To enrich learning in all three Language Arts curriculum areas: Literature, Language and Speaking & Listening Three over the course of the entire year: one per trimester. All directions, due dates and information listed in guidelines (blue hand out in student’s binder; also available download on my website)
My Website Please visit my website regarding most questions. You will find most information there like: Book Report guideline handout (due dates, directions) Syllabus Rubrics Announcements & Updates Study tips
Classroom Business 7 th Grade Brunch Thank you! Most prepared and generous class with supplies EVER!