National Food Security Mission 12 th Executive Committee Meeting on Department of Agriculture 1 Government of Andhra Pradesh
The area of Rice in NFSM districts increased by 4.71% (CAGR) compared to 3.78% in Non NFSM districts. The yield increased in NFSM districts by 2.72% (CAGR) compared to 0.45% in Non NFSM districts. The production of Rice increased by 7.55% (CAGR) in NFSM districts compared to 4.25% in Non NFSM districts. Similarly Bengalgram and total Pulses also recorded appreciable increases. Since Rice & Pulses contribute about 77% of foodgrains production in the state, the foodgrains production has also shown appreciable increase. Impact of NFSM
Crop wise comparative Productivity from to Source DES S.NoYear Food Grains CAGR Xth PlanXIth Plan AYP AreaYieldProductionYearAreaYieldProduction 1.72%4.21%5.93% Normal Normal RiceCAGR Xth PlanXIth Plan AYP S.No YearAreaYieldProductionYearAreaYieldProduction 4.17%1.68%5.84% Normal Normal
S.NoYear Redgram Source DES CAGR Xth PlanXIth Plan AYP AreaYieldProductionYearAreaYieldProduction 1.34%0.31%1.30% Normal Normal GreengramCAGR S.NoYear Xth PlanXIth Plan AYP AreaYieldProductionYearAreaYieldProduction -6.27%2.56%-4.23% Normal Normal BlackgramCAGR S.NoYear Xth PlanXIth Plan AYP AreaYieldProductionYearAreaYieldProduction -1.75%0.85%-0.92% Normal Normal
BengalgramCAGR S.NoYear Xth PlanXIth Plan AYP AreaYieldProductionYearAreaYieldProduction 7.14%1.92%9.38% Normal Normal Other PulsesCAGR S.NoYear Xth PlanXIth Plan AYP AreaYieldProductionYearAreaYieldProduction -2.64%11.59%8.45% Normal Normal Total PulsesCAGR S.NoYear Xth PlanXIth Plan AYP AreaYieldProductionYearAreaYieldProduction 0.04%1.36%3.75% Normal Normal
Crop Wise Third Advance Estimates of Area, Yield and Production of Various Principal Crops During Sl. No.Crop NormalDES EstimatesDept.Estimates AreaYieldProd.AreaYieldProd.AreaYieldProd. 1Rice wheet Jowar Bajra Ragi Maize Minor Millets Total Cearials & Millets Pulses 9Bengalgram Redgram Greengram Blackgram Horsegram OtherPulses Total Pulses ( ) Total FoodGrains ( ) Oil Seed 16Groundnut Sesamum Sunflower Safflower Linseed Nigerseed Soyabeen Castor Pam Oil/Other Oil Seeds Rape & Musterd Total Oil seed *Cotton **Mesta Chillies Sugarcane Termaric Tobacco Onion Coriander Total Cropped Area Area in Lakh ha., Yield in KG/ha., Production in Lakh Metric Tones
Crop wise Third Advance Estimates of Area, Yield and production of Various Principal Crops during Pulses area is estimated to increase from a normal of lakh ha to lakh ha Pulses production is also expected to increase from normal of lakh tons to about lakh tons Soyabean, Maize, Castor and Cotton areas are increased Food grains production is estimated at lakh tons as against a normal of lakh tons. Rice production is estimated to be reduced by about 16 Lakh Metric Tones mainly due to reduction in area by 4.37lakh ha. The total cropped area is only marginally reduced by 1%.
NFSM – Releases and Expenditure and Unspent balances – SchemeApproved by GOI Revalidated Unspent balance Release Total Amount Available including release and Unspent Balance Expenditure Unspent Balances NFSM-Rice NFSM-Pulses A3P (K+R) M.Tons Addl.Areas Pumpsets Total An amount of Rs lakhs released Total amount available including revalidated amount is Rs lakhs The expenditure booked as on is Rs lakhs The amount under Pump Sets was released in the month of March 2013.
Progress Report of National Food Security Mission –Rice in Andhra Pradesh. Up to end of March 2013 (Financial Rs. in Lakhs) S.NoInterventionApproved Rate of AssistanceUnit TargetAchievement PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1 Cluster Demonstrations by State Department of Agriculture with the technical backstopping of ICAR/SAU/IRRI (One Cluster of 100 ha) a) Direct Seeded Rice / Line Transplanting / Rs. 7500/- per haHa SRI (Target 1.5% of area of District) b) Cluster Demonstrations on Hybrid Rice (One Rs. 7500/- per haHa Cluster of 100 ha) Target 0.5% of Area of District c) Cluster Demonstrations on Swarna Sub-1 (MTU-7029 (2009) / Sahbhagi Dhan of 100 ha each Rs. 7500/- per haHa0000 d) Forntline Demonstrations by ICAR/SAUs on Rs. 7500/- per haHa0000 Hybrids / Varieties (Cluster of minimum 10 ha each) 2 Seed Distribution a) Hybrid Rice SeedRs. 2000/- per qtlsQtls0000 b) HYVs SeedsRs. 500/- per qtlsQtls Plant and Soil Protection Management a) MicronutrientsRs. 500/- per haHa b) Liming in Acidic SoilsRs. 500/- per haHa0000 c) Plant Protection Chemicals & bio-agentsRs. 500/- per haHa Sub Total (3 a,b,c) Resource Conservation Techniques / Tools a) Conoweeders, Drumseeders and other implementsRs. 3000/- per machineNos b) Knap Sack SprayersRs. 3000/- per machineNos c) Zero Till Seed DrillsRs /- per machineNos0000 d) Multi Crop PlantersRs /- per machineNos0000 e) Seed DrillsRs /- per machineNos0000 f) Power WeedersRs /- per machineNos0000 g) Zero Till Multi Crop PlantersRs /- per machineNos0000 h) Ridge Furrow PlantersRs /- per machineNos0000 i) RotavatorsRs /- per machineNos j) Laser Land LevelersRs /- per machineNos Sub Total (4 a to J) Incentive for Pump SetsRs /- per PumpsetNos Cropping System based trainings (Four Sessions i.e. one before Kharif, one each during Kharif and Rabi crops and one after Rabi harvest) Rs. 3500/- per Session Nos Rs /- Training 7 Miscellaneous Expenses a) Project Management Team & Other Rs lakhs per District No. of Districts Miscellaneous Expenses at District Level b) Project Management Team & Other Rs lakhs per stateNo. of State Miscellaneous Expenses at State Level 8 Local Initiatives (Focus should be water harvesting structures for promotion of SRI and providing irrigation) Total Financial
Progress Report of National Food Security Mission –Pulses in Andhra Pradesh. Up to end of March 2013 S. NoInterventionApproved Rate of AssistanceUnit TargetAchievement PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1 Distribution of Certified Seeds a) For varieties less than 10 yearsRs. 2200/- per qtlsQtls a) For varieties More than 10 yearsRs. 1200/-- per qtlsQtls Demonstrations on improved Technologies 00 a) Cluster Demonstrations (of 100 ha each) on Rs. 5000/- per haHa inter-cropping / improved varieties / farm implements like Ridge forrow makers / Seed drills b) Forntline Demonstrations by ICAR/SAUs in a Rs. 5000/- per haHa cluster of 10 ha each 3 Integrated Nutrient Management 00 a) MicronutrientsRs. 500/- per haHa b) Lime / Gypsum/80% WG SulphurRs. 750/- per haHa c) Rizobium Culture / PSB distribution/MicorrizhaRs. 100/- per haHa Sub Total (3 a,b,c) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) a) IPM PackageRs. 750/- per haHa b) Distribution of NPVRs. 250/- per haHa c) Distribution of PP ChemicalsRs. 500/- per haHa d) WeedicidesRs. 500/- per haHa Sub Total (3 a to d) Resource Conservation Techniques / Tools a) Knap Sack SprayersRs. 3000/- per machineNos b) Zero Till Seed DrillsRs /- per machineNos0000 c) Multi Crop PlantersRs /- per machineNos0000 d) Seed DrillsRs /- per machineNos0000 e) Zero Till Multi Crop PlantersRs /- per machineNos0000 f) Ridge Furrow PlantersRs /- per machineNos0000 g) RotavatorsRs /- per machineNos h) Laser Land LevelersRs /- per machineNos0000 Sub Total (4 a to h) Effective Water Application Tools a) Distribution of Sprinkler SetsRs. 7500/- per haHa b) Incentive for Mobile Sprinkler RaingunsRs /- per RaingunNos c) Incentive for Pump SetsRs /- per machineNos0000 d) Pipe for carrying water from source to the fieldRs /- per farmersNos Cropping System based trainings (Four Sessions i.e. one before Kharif, one each during Kharif and Rabi crops and one after Rabi harvest) Rs. 3500/- per Session Nos Rs /- Training 8 Miscellaneous Expenses a) Project Management Team & Other Rs lakhs per district No. of Districts Miscellaneous Expenses at District Level b) Project Management Team & Other Rs lakh per stateNo. of State Miscellaneous Expenses at State Level c) Misc. Expenses to State for other Districts (Districts of ISOPOM)Rs lakh per district No. of Districts Local Initiatives 2000 (Water charges for two protective irrigations may be supported under Local Initiatives to the farmers/groups given mobile sprinklers) Total Financial
Physical and Financial Progress under A3P as on (100ha each unit) SnoCrop Target Achievement Phy. (No.of units) Fin ( lakhs) Phy (No.of units) Fin ( lakhs) 1Redgram Greengram Blackgram Bengalgram Total
Promotion of SRI (Area in lakh ha) Major focus given by the State under NFSM Season Drum seeder SMSRI Direct Seeding Total Kharif Rabi Total
Promotion of SMSRI 104 SMSRI centres are established for promotion of SRI in the state. The details are as follows. Sl. No. DistrictNo. SMSRI units Established 1Srikakulam7 2Vizianagaram5 3Visakhapatanam1 4East Godavari6 5West Godavari10 6Krishna5 7Guntur0 8Nellore4 9Prakasam0 10Chittoor8 11Kurnool3 12YSR Kadapa1 13Anantapur0 14Khammam6 15Nalgonda5 16Nizamabad14 17RangaReddy5 18Medak5 19Mahabubnagar2 20Warngal1 21Karinagar16 22Adilabad0 Total104 Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Driving Paddy Transplanter in Srikakulam district,
Strategy and Planning under National Food Security Mission for Identification of Clusters and beneficiaries under N.F.S.M. Rice Pulses and A3P for demonstration is being done at district level by organizing the meetings with the field level staff. Indents are placed for supply of seed under general seed distribution and for cluster demonstrations through APSSDC. Indents are placed for supply of fertilizers through MARKFED. Regarding other inputs tenders are being called to finalize the rates. It is targeted to cover 5.00 lakh Ha under SRI cultivation for the year (Drum Seeder, SMSRI,Direct Seeding)
MAO shall make frequent visits to the cluster demo site and sensitize the farmers on all aspects of the crop and ensure adoption of all critical interventions. ADA shall visit the clusters duly coordinating with Scientists of DAATT centers, KVKs to monitor the crop growth in the cluster to sensitize the farmers. Farmers Training Centers shall be made responsible in organization of training programs in the clusters to address the specific interventions. Entrusting some of the cluster demonstrations to the DAATT centers, KVKs as model demos in adopting critical interventions for monitoring. The farmers of other clusters can be brought to visit these demos under exposure visit programme of ATMA for better absorption of the technology. Convergence of Cluster Demonstrations of National Food Security Mission Rice,Pulses and A3P with Bhuchetana Project for better monitoring
Issues Most of the pulses are grown under Rainfed conditions and under Rice Fallows. Mostly pulses are grown as a Inter crop with Maize, Jowar, Cotton, and Castor hence the net returns of pulses are poor. Inadequate availability of quality seeds of improved varieties Pulses are prone to pests and diseases and heavy yield losses Inadequate and imbalance use of nutrients especially micro nutrients Pulses suffer heavily from Terminal soil moisture stress / drought Fluctuations of market prices.
Suggestions Motivation of the farmers to grow pulses as a pure crop and in Irrigated Dry conditions. More trainings are planned in under INM and IPM in Pulses. More research for development of short duration and disease resistant Varieties. Remunerative Minimum support price and procurement by the institutions