Coordination Activities by JICCG for UHV technology standardization Hisatoshi Ikeda Co-Chairman of IEC/JICCG Toshiba Co. & Kyushu Institute o f Technology.


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Presentation transcript:

Coordination Activities by JICCG for UHV technology standardization Hisatoshi Ikeda Co-Chairman of IEC/JICCG Toshiba Co. & Kyushu Institute o f Technology 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

Contents of presentation 1.Standardization of UHV 2.Establishment of JICCG 3.Objectives of JICCG 4.Outputs of JICCG 5.Future work 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

Urgent Needs for International Standards Commercial operation of 1100kV UHV AC 1.Standardization of UHV 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

SB1 Recommended the urgent need in Feb SMB Decision for UHV symposium was made in June 2006 The first UHV symposium was held in July 2007 SB1; Sector board 1 SMB; Standardization Management Board 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

Conclusion 0707/3 — Joint IEC-CIGRE coordination group to prepare UHV standardization In consultation with CIGRE and IEC TCs, the SB 1 officers and members have prepared draft Terms of Reference for the joint IEC-CIGRE coordination group. 2.Establishment of JICCG SB1 made the conclusion on ToR of JICCG in July nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

SMB Decision 130/10 Joint IEC-CIGRE group on UHV standardization SMB Decision 130/10 Joint IEC-CIGRE group on UHV standardization The SMB approved in principle the proposed terms of reference of the joint IEC-CIGRE group on UHV given in document SMB/3544/DC. It further decided that the title be changed to: Joint IEC-CIGRE coordination group to provide guidance to IEC and CIGRE in the development of UHV standardization. While limiting the size of the group, the number of IEC members be increased to 11 and invites NCs who have already submitted nominations to limit them to only one and submit to Central Office by The SMB appointed Mr. Hisatoshi Ikeda as convener of the joint IEC-CIGRE group. The SMB invited CIGRE to concur. 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

To determine the domains in UHV technology, both AC and DC, where the state of the art permits standardization to be undertaken; To determine the domains in UHV technology, both AC and DC, where the state of the art permits standardization to be undertaken; To make recommendations for what UHV standards the market requires and develop strategies for international standardization of UHV technologies, in response to rapid needs from the large developing market for UHV; To make recommendations for what UHV standards the market requires and develop strategies for international standardization of UHV technologies, in response to rapid needs from the large developing market for UHV; To prepare a road map of standardization of UHV technologies, so as to produce the standards and revisions needed for UHV transmission by the end of 2010 (or, if this is impossible for certain topics, then as soon as possible thereafter) with full cooperation between CIGRE and IEC. To prepare a road map of standardization of UHV technologies, so as to produce the standards and revisions needed for UHV transmission by the end of 2010 (or, if this is impossible for certain topics, then as soon as possible thereafter) with full cooperation between CIGRE and IEC. 3. Objectives of JICCG 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

1. UHV AC The UHV Symposium The Joint IEC-CIGRE Coordination Group TC8 TC28 Horizontal Standards TC17, TC37, TC36, TC14, TC38, TC42, TC73, TC11, TC7, TC20 Product Standards TC95, TC57, TC99, TC112, TC1, TC3, etc Other Relating Standards - Recommendation CIGRE A2, A3, B2, B3, C4 -WG A3.22 Report -WG B3.22 Report Now Ongoing 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

2.UHV DC The UHV Symposium The Joint IEC-CIGRE Coordination Group New TC TC 115 TC8, TC28, TC22, TC17, TC37, TC36, TC14, TC38, TC42, TC73, TC11, TC7, TC20, etc. - Recommendation CIGRE B4, etc -WG B4.xx Report (?) 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

4. Outputs of JICCG Three meetings were held; 1 st meeting at Zurich in November nd meeting at New castle in April rd meeting at Geneva in November 2008 and 4 th meeting is scheduled at New Delhi in Feb Major outputs are; Road map for UHV AC standardization IEC TCs and CIGRÉ SCs competent sheet With 18 conclusions Valuable CIGRE reports from SCs 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

CIGRE AG A2.7 IEC meeting Joint IEC-CIGRE Coordination Group TC 8 TC2 8 B3(Substations) B2(Overhead Lines) C4(System Technical Performance) Horizontal Standards 1 st Group of Product Standards CDV 11/4/ FDIS 9/11/ ISResult Engineering & Others UHV standardization Line s TC7 TC1 1 Protection & Control TC5 7 TC9 5 TC1 TC3 TC73 TC99 TC11 2 CIGRE WG B3.22 A3(High Voltage Equipment) IEC WORK To pick out items which should be revised To prepare the draft NP for new technologies (if needed) Refer to the attached items list Plenar y FDIS 10/12/ IS A2(Transformers) ROAD MAP of Standardization on UHV AC Technologies Investigation of UHV technologies UHV Symposiu m 3 rd meeting Drafts for Standards by CIGRE SM B Systems aspects for electrical energy supply (Standard Voltages) Overhead lines Information structures, documentation and graphical symbols Terminology Overhead electrical conductors TC1 4 Power transformers TC17 SC17A SC17C Switchgear and controlgear High-voltage switchgear and controlgear High-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies Insulation co-ordination TC36 SC36A SC36B SC36C Insulators Insulated bushings Insulators for overhead lines Insulators for substations TC3 7 Surge arresters TC3 8 Instrument transformers TC4 2 High-voltage testing techniques Short-circuit currents Measuring relays and protection equipment Power systems management and associated information exchange Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating … System engineering and erection of electrical power installations … SM B CIGRE Report 2 nd meeting CIGRE WG A3.22 Requiremen t Joint IEC-CIGRE Coordination Meeting Rev.C CDV 3/8/ Result CDResul t CDVResul t FDISISNPResul t WD 12/9/12/6/ KICK OFF CDResul t CDVResul t FDISISNP Resul t WD 12/9/12/6/ KICK OFF CDResul t CDVResul t FDISISNP Resul t WD 12/9/12/6/ KICK OFF CDResul t CDVResul t FDISISNP Resul t WD 12/9/12/6/ KICK OFF CDResul t CDVResul t FDISISNP Resul t WD 12/9/12/6/ KICK OFF CDResul t CDVResul t FDISISNP Resul t WD 12/9/12/6/ KICK OFF 1 st meeting SB 1 CDV WD CDResul t NP Resul t 9/12/ SMB Decision SM B 4/ SM B 11/ 10/ SM B IEC WORK To pick out items which should be revised To prepare the draft NP for new technologies (if needed) SMB Decision 2 nd Group of Product Standards By the end of ; Plenary Meeting 2010 The schedule should be shorten, especially in the case of maintenance. CIGRE WG C4.3z / CIGRE WG B2.34 Technical requirements for substations exceeding 800kV The Impact of Line Configuration for 800 and 1100 kV OHL Insulation co-ordination for UHV AC Systems Technical requirements for substation equipment exceeding 800kV UHV AC and DC Transformers 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

SectionsIEC/TCCIGRE/SCNew IEC TC/CIGRE SCComments Section 1: General standards Produce following standards: 1) Electromagnetic environment for high voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations; TC77C4/B4 2) Electromagnetic environment for high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission lines. TC77C4/B4 Belongs to the scope of Cigre SC4 3) For UHVDC, following standards need to be revised: 4) Terminology for high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission (IEC ); SC22FB4New IEC TCBelongs to the scope of the relevant IEC TC involved 5) Insulation co-ordination – Part 5: procedures for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations (IEC/TS ). TC28C4/B4 Belongs to the scope of the relevant IEC TC involved Inputs from CIGRE WG B4-45 should also be considered Section 2: Design Produce following standards: 1) Guide to the design of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission lines; TC11B4 In general, to collect the current knowledge is the task of Cigre WG bodies. Should be done by the relevant SC. Furthermore, do guides belong to standardization process? Some information available in SCB2-05 (JWG17)12 2) Guide to the design of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations; SC22FB4New IEC TC Some information available in SCB2-05 (JWG17)09 JWG A2/B4.28 is working on the “Guidelines for Conducting Design Review for HVDC Converter Transformers”. This document will be published in ) Guide to the design of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) grounding electrodes. SC22FB4New IEC TC 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

5. Future work SMB Decision 133/18 - Joint IEC/CIGRE group The SMB thanked and complimented the Joint IEC/CIGRE Group (JICCG) for its status report and results in the roadmap for guidance for UHV standardization and agreed that the group continue to operate for at least one more year to coordinate the technologies in this area. JICCG continues at least one year based on the SMB Decision 2nd & 3rd step of UHV AC road map Special attention for 1200kV Coordination between TCs for UHV DC 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi

SMB Decision 133/19 - IEC Strategic Group on UHV The SMB agreed to set up a strategic group on UHV to address the IEC standardization needs and coordinate activities of IEC TCs. SMB members are asked to provide names of approximately 12 experts to participate in this group by end December The Swedish NC will provide the name of the convener. SG2 JICCG 2nd International Symposium on Standards for UHV Transmission , New Delhi coordinate the technologies address the IEC standardization needs and coordinate activities of IEC TCs