Department of Higher Education and Training Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 10 February 2016 Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges Registration and Enrolment Processes 2016 Academic Year
2 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges preparations for the 2016 enrolment and registration process Registration process and enrolment TVET College campus visits – monitoring and support Achievements Challenges experienced Way forward and closure Presentation Overview
3 TVET Colleges submitted their enrolment plans inclusive of programme offerings and enrolment figures through the submission of Strategic/Annual Performance and Operational Plans to the Department 2016/17 TVET College Strategic Plans were approved by the Minister for implementation at colleges The 2016 TVET Colleges calendar and enrolment schedule was distributed to colleges in the last quarter of 2015 Colleges held open days/weeks and early applications, and pre-registration took place from the last quarter of 2015 The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Bursary applications are integrated with the college application process. NSFAS qualifying students are not required to pay registration fees Preparing TVET Colleges for Registration Process & Enrolment
4 NSFAS college bursary allocations for NSFAS bursary funding for 2016/17 is R2.4 billion 15% of NSFAS bursary allocations (advance) was paid to all colleges in January 2016 New students receive counselling for career choices Colleges conduct placement tests (not for exclusion) but for correct programme choice advice and identification of possible academic support Colleges process registration according to the detailed enrolment and registration plan provided in the preceding year (2015) Preparing TVET Colleges for Registration Process & Enrolment
5 College fees are regulated by the Department and only the Consumer Price Index adjustment was made for No further fee increment was done by colleges New and “old” students went through induction programmes Classes commenced on 18 January 2016 Preparing TVET Colleges for Registration Process & Enrolment
6 A total of 202 TVET college campuses were visited during the 2016 registration period Priority was given to colleges requiring support TVET College Campuses Visited during Registration
7 ProvinceNo. of college campuses visited Eastern Cape28 Free State14 Gauteng33 KwaZulu-Natal51 Limpopo20 Mpumalanga11 Northern Cape7 North West11 Western Cape27 TOTAL202
8 NSFAS bursary qualifying students not required to pay registration fees, TVET colleges have streamlined processes accordingly Over the years, the enrolment and registration planning process has improved and colleges are better prepared for the registration process TVET colleges that pre-enrolled in the last quarter of 2015 experienced fewer/shorter queues TVET colleges with good Information Technology systems for enrolment and good bandwidth processed registration faster Having trained officials at campuses enabled accurate and prompt reporting on the registration processes and challenges were attended to faster Achievements – registration process
9 Enrolments have been increasing significantly over the years (from in 2010 to in 2015). The enrolment increase is becoming slower from 2014 onwards Colleges cited funding constraints, limited capacity and resources which included classrooms, workshops and lecturer capacity as the challenges inhibiting them from meeting the Department’s set targets TVET College Student Enrolments
10 TVET College Student Enrolments
11 TVET College Student Enrolments – Programme Funding TVET colleges were advised in 2015 of their 2016/17 budget allocations, including the NSFAS bursary allocations The State subsidy programme funding for 2016/17 is R 6.6 billion The investment made is insufficient for the student numbers enrolled. There is over a R4 billion programme funding shortfall expected in 2016, and this amount increases year on year
12 TVET College Student Enrolments – Programme Funding TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COLLEGES Final ActualAPP PROJECTED TARGETS Total Budget Required 8,607,481,6829,211,472,00011,244,814,00013,610,183,00016,458,713,00019,867,214,000 Budget Available5,827,173,0006,179,574,0006,513,120,0006,860,921,0007,227,294,0007,613,231,000 Total Estimated Shortfall -2,780,308,682-3,031,898,000-4,731,694,000-6,749,262,000-9,231,419,000-12,253,983,000
13 TVET College Students’ Enrolments NSFAS Funding NSFAS bursary funding for 2016/17 is R 2.4 billion The Department’s target is to cover at least 80% of college students with NSFAS bursaries Taking into account the National Development Plan and White Paper targets, unless there is a massive injection of funds for TVET colleges, the NSFAS bursary shortfall will be R5.6 billion by % of the NSFAS bursary allocation was disbursed to TVET colleges in January 2016 to ensure that colleges have sufficient cash flow to cater for NSFAS bursary students who are exempted from paying registration fees
14 TVET College Students’ Enrolments NSFAS Funding TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COLLEGES Final ActualAPP PROJECTED TARGETS Total Budget Required Budget Available Total Estimated Shortfall
15 The TVET colleges’ registration process was conducted incident free Colleges operate on a standardised college calendar which indicates registration date (11 January 2016) and class commencement date (18 January 2016); and this makes monitoring and support services more convenient Reported incidences which ranged from water shortages at two TVET colleges, long queues and some colleges requesting registration fees from NSFAS qualifying students were attended to and resolved by Department’s officials and colleges concerned While the TVET college sector has not been adversely affected by the universities #FeesMustFall campaign; interventions have been implemented to ensure that stability, and teaching and learning continues Conclusion
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