TERCO – an outline of results Grzegorz Gorzelak Open Days University, Brussels
Scope of research, research questions
INTERREG IIIC & IVC lead partnersall partners
INTERREG IIIB & IVB lead partnersall partners
Twinning Cities Analysed co-operation among twinning cities as one type of territorial co- operation Created unique pan-European database on twinning city networking from internet sources (Wikipedia - city web sites) Carried out Network Analyses of intensity and degree of twining city cooperation Carried out Case Studies to find out: – substance behind city-twinning co- operation –importance of twinning co-operation for development, international flows –determinants/drivers of city twinning co-operation –Future desired domains for city- twinning co-operation
City twinning – number of agreements
City twinning USA Canada
City twinning Russia Ukraine
City twinning Central and South America China
Governance models
Research results The best TC projects seem to be those which focus on solving a specific problem together and time of simple projects is coming to an end. Introduction of more functional approach to territory seems to be important for future TC. In case of TC across external borders cultural cooperation and education are perceived by actors from all sectors as the most important domains. TC programmes should neither be designed nor analysed in isolation from other strategies/programmes at a given (sub)region. External policies do matter. Co-ordination matters if we think seriously about synergies. Governance models: a) depend on the specific situation, b) top- down approaches are unlikely to work when partners contribute large financial shares to the project.
Research results II Good practices: their number increases with the growing complexity of projects, (e.g. common database with compitibile procedures, regular stakeholder forums, common involvement in certification for quality labels, etc.) Infrastructural investments: –a) YES if have EU dimension, (e.g. missing link in transport network), –b) New MS - physical infrastructure; Old MS - social infrastructure, –c) in short run small infrastructural project - long run importance of soft measures. Promising prospects for the future
Gains from Territorial Cooperation
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