ILIAS NEXT Suggestions for Public Outreach Activities Elke Müller Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) 4th ILIAS-GW.


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Presentation transcript:

ILIAS NEXT Suggestions for Public Outreach Activities Elke Müller Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) 4th ILIAS-GW Annual General Meeting Tübingen 9th October 2007

© Peter Gaymann The main questions are: What are our goals? Who are our target groups? And: will a simple ‚Alleluia‘ be sufficient??  ‚General public‘, esp. young people  Focus on girls & young women  Students (capacity building)  Science journalists  Industry Target Groups

Target Groups & Projects / Tasks Brochure, girls days, special lectures Public outreach improvement & training Members of ILIAS-next, GW community, journalists, lecturers, teachers www platform/database for internal and external communication Open days, hands-on exhibits, traineeships Pupils Girls, young women Young scientists within ILIAS Capacity & community building: gw lectures, traineeship contest Physics students Technology transfer workshops & special web site Industry

Deliverables... Hands-on laser interferometers Dedicated web sites

Deliverables... Lectures & traineeships for physics students Traineeships for pupils Brochure & special lectures for girls

Deliverables... Technology transfer workshops Public outreach training

Time table: Milestones & Deliverables YEAR 3 YEAR 5 Public outreach database design, GW web page design, traineeship contest YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 4 Special brochure for girls, 1st public outreach workshop programme, hands-on interferometer design, traineeship contest Technology transfer web site design, 1st technology transfer workshop, traineeship contest 2nd Public outreach workshop, traineeship contest 2nd Technology transfer workshop, traineeship contest Websites overview report, Wikipedia updates GW Web page, public outreach database, 1st public outreach workshop report, reports on school visits, pupil and student training Brochure for girls, Wikipedia & web updates, 1st technol. transfer workshop report, hands-on interferometers, reports on training Technology transfer website, 2nd public outreach workshop report, reports on school visits, pupil and student training Wikipedia & Web updates, 2nd technology transfer workshop report, hands-on interferometers, reports on training

(Preliminary) Budget  Web programming: Euro  Hands-on laser interferometer: Euro each (material only)  Student‘s contest (travel money): Euro  Brochure: Euro (A4, 20 pages, 5 languages, 3000 copies each)

Thank You! ILIAS Integrated Large Infrastructures for Astroparticle Science Is funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme Specific Programme: Structuring the European Research Area Contract number: RII3-CT