FORM HAD + BEEN + __ING I had been looking. We had been trying. They had been studying. Had you been studying? I hadn’t been studying.
USE The past perfect progressive is very close to the present perfect progressive in use. We often use it with “since” and “for”. When he got there, I had been searching for the puppy for 2 hours.
USE We use it to connect two actions. The simple past action interrupts the past perfect action. I had been studying for 2 hours when he phoned me. They had been training for 2 months when the star player hurt his ankle.
USE How is it different from past progressive? The focus is on duration! I was walking when he arrived. I had been walking for 2 hours when he arrived.
USE See more examples: Why is the first example in the past perfect? Because it’s a non- action verb! I had been awake since 9:00 when I got the phone call. They had been preparing for weeks when the army attacked.
PRESENT PROGRESSIVE PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE PAST PROGRESSIVE PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE Since + forNot used with since and for. Since + for with action verbs Not used with since and for. Since + for with action verbs When is it used? It’s still happening! Is interrupted by a simple past verb Is usually interrupted by a simple past verb Focus?Focuses on what is happening. Focuses on duration Focuses on what was interrupted. Focuses on duration COMPARE THE TENSES BELOW