The Summer Begins: CERN Kristin Beck
University of Michigan REU at CERN2 of 10 Introductions High Technology High School Hometown: Colts Neck, New Jersey School: University of Rochester Academics –BS, Physics –BA, Mathematics –Minor: Music
University of Michigan REU at CERN3 of 10 Introductions Advisors: –Dan Holmes –Darin Acosta Office Mates: –Joe Gartner –Khristian Kotov –Dayong Wang
University of Michigan REU at CERN4 of 10 CMS LHC = Large Hadron Collider CMS = Compact Muon Solenoid “General purpose detector” Many specific subsystems
University of Michigan REU at CERN5 of 10 L1 Trigger uses LCT events from multiple chambers to reconstruct a particle’s path CSC Level 1 Trigger CSC = Cathode Strip Chamber CSCs consist of wires and strips arranged in a grid pattern Muons crossing through CSC produces an LCT (Local Charged Track)
University of Michigan REU at CERN6 of 10 CSC Level 1 Trigger 40MHz 100kHz Hz CSC Level 1 Trigger selects up to 4 events per beam crossing (25ns) My role: verification and testing of CSCL1T through data analysis from cosmic runs (CRUZET2, CRUZET3)
University of Michigan REU at CERN7 of 10 Progress to date Developing facility with operating environment: ROOT, CMSSW (CMS SoftWare) Analysis sequence for displaying: –TF position data –LCTs in global coordinates –LCTs used to create tracks –Difference in η and φ for LCTs of a given track
University of Michigan REU at CERN8 of 10 φ θ
University of Michigan REU at CERN9 of 10 Italy ( ) ∙ Treviso ∙ Venice ∙ Florence ∙ Cinque Terre ∙ Pisa ∙ Lucca ∙ Assisi ∙ Rome ∙ Geneva (14.06-on) Interlaken ( ) Exploring Europe