Talking Freight July 19, 2006 Bill Mahorney, Office of Freight Management and Operations, Freight Operations and Technology Division
Section 1305 SAFETEA-LU Truck Parking Facilities Grant Initiative
Purpose Directs the Secretary to establish a pilot program to address the shortage of long-term parking for commercial motor vehicles on the National Highway System. Why? Numerous studies have shown that there are a deficiency of commercial vehicle parking spaces on certain corridors.
What Kind of Projects are Eligible? Promoting the availability of parking through ITS technologies Construction of safety rest zones Constructing CMV parking adjacent to travel plaza and truck stops Opening existing facilities (scales, inspection facilities, etc) to CMV parking
Eligible Projects (con’t) Making capital improvements to seasonal facilities for year round use Improving the geometric design of interchanges on the NHS to improve access Projects are not intended to compete with local businesses or commercial enterprises
Congressional Priorities Demonstration of a severe parking shortage Consultation with affected State and local governments, community groups, private providers of CMV parking, and motorist and trucking organizations Demonstration of positive effects on safety, traffic congestion, air quality
Funding $6.25 million for FYs $5.35 million for FY 2006 after recession Federal share of project can be between %, depending on project type
Who is eligible? States, MPO’s and local governments All funding requests must come from, and be administered by, the State
Review/Selection Process FHWA will review proposals based on grant application scoring criteria (Division Offices will be first line of review) Selections will be made, all applicants will be notified in writing Funds distributed Repeat for 2007, 2008, 2009
Timeframe/OMB Clearance A FR Notice will be published with application procedure Truck Parking Initiative is subject to Paperwork Reduction Act requirements FHWA published, on June 26, 2 FR notices requesting OMB clearance b.pdf b.pdf b.pdf Emergency Clearance was requested by July 14