BACKGROUND Ratification of the Montreal Protocol (Ozone Depleting Substances) and Vienna Convention ( Protection of the Ozone Layer) Draft of a Framework of Activities to be undertaken to achieve the required phase out of ozone depleting substances: 1992, Fiji Country Program to be implemented from 1997.
Objectives of Country Program To survey, assess and analyze the situation with regard to consumption and use patterns from 1986 to 1991 To record the existing institutional framework including governmental bodies, industry associations, and related organizations To analyse possible future demands for controlled substances if no measures are taken to control the consumption and estimate incremental costs
To spell out the government strategy with regard to the phase out To outline the Action Plan including strengthening of institutional capacity and capability To provide framework for future programs and projects for which financial and technical assistance is sought and to prioritize activities through a schedule to outline the scheme for implementing the Action Plan for monitoring the consumption of controlled substances to:
I) ensure that the Country Programme is implemented II) enable observation/evaluation of effectiveness of the implementation of the Action Plan in reducing and phasing out consumption III)ensure compliance with the reporting requirements of the Protocol (Article 7)
Fiji Country Programme entails: a) Data and information on the consumption and use pattern of ODS, collected through a survey done by INR (currently IAS). b) Analyses of possible future demands and incremental costs. c) Information on relevant existing institutional and policy framework d) government strategy and Action Plan Lead UN Agency: UNEP, MLF, IE/PAC Lead local Agency: MHUD (MLGHE)
Action Plan Required consultative process: the Consultative Committee for Ozone Depleting Substances - CCODS (no longer) 6 Government programmes 7 Industry projects
BACKGROUND RMP Phase I – 27 customs officers trained (2001) Refresher (30-31 st May 2002) – to refresh trainers of phase I. Phase II – (2003) train remaining CO. Phase III (2004) – monitoring.
OVERALL OBJECTIVES Increase awareness on ODS Familiarize CO on ODS & their application. ODS licensing system Role of CO implementation of Montreal Protocol. Identification of ODS Identify illegal trade.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Verify ODS Permits.(1 min) Detain suspected ODS Act as FICS ODS Examiners. LONGTERM Monitor and control ODS trade (as in MOU) Increase awareness
PARTICIPANTS Officers Trained Nadi (75 %) Lautoka (50 %) Suva ( 50 %) Levuka (100%) Savusavu (50 %)
RESULTS OBJECTIVEACHIVED VIA AwarenessSession 1 ODS applicationSession 1, 4 & 5 ODS licenceSession 2 Role of COSession 3 Illegal Trade ODSSession 3
Lessons Learnt Using CO as co-trainers is very effective. Practical sessions are very informative. Case study proved to be very interesting in terms of its practical aspects. The mix of CO from different sections and levels of FICS was good. The participants felt training should be 2 –3 days longer.
FOLLOW UP ACTION PLAN Complete Phase II training by February 2004 – esp. priority areas. Certification (2004). Work on recommendations of phase II workshop. Monitor the illegal trade of ODS. Handover equipment to FICS ( all cost of maintenance/ repair and calibration born by DOE). MOU sustenance.
Evaluation by Participants 119 of the 125 questionnaires were returned. Most ratings were good to very good. The officers comments were as follows: Include Customs Agents in training. Extend training to 2-3 Days. Field trips to industries. Refresher to be conducted. Clarification on data reporting procedures.
PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED Delay in signing of MOU. Low attendance by Suva & Lautoka COs without prior notice. General deficiency in relay of communication of information from managers to frontline staff of FICS Western Trainers were not available for most training. Limited funding.
RECOMMENDATIONS To incorporate training into the current training programmes of Customs, to cater for those who have missed out and new recruits. Encouragement and support to Managers and staff in whatever way possible. (Participants are found to be very eager to take part in this programme due to the simplistic objectives). In lieu of Trainer shortages, Trainers from Suva can be made available, under proper planning. Use trainers from Nadi & Lautoka.
FICS TRAINERS Arthur KumarManikam Govind Nacani DreuSailosi Covevena Shelini KumarRishi Deo Rachna LalJone Louie Sharmilla SharmaDhiraj Abhinash Kolinio TorocakeChandra Naidu Narain Sami