Greek & Roman Influence Modern day ideas about democracy & republican government come from ancient govt of Greece & Rome. Romans govt = republic
The Silk Road Trade routes connecting Asia with the Europe by land & sea. Items Traded: Satin, Hemp, fabrics (textiles), musk, perfumes, spices, medicines, jewels, glassware, medicines, wines, carpets, slaves.
The Silk Road
Black Plague The Black Death originated in/near China. Spread by way of the Silk Road or ship. killed (an estimated) 30-60% of the world population. Peaked in the mid 1300’s, left around 500 years later. Left Europe in the 19 th century. Led to a series of religious, social and economic upheavals – had profound effects on the course of European history.
Renaissance & Reformation 14 th -17 th Century Roman & Greek civilization “reborn”, beginning in Italy Gains in literature, art, philosophy, politics, & historical thought Renaissance individualism – personal credit, not crediting God Protestant Reformation led to religious wars, remaking Europe into unified nations Invention of the Gutenberg printing press in the mid-15 th century (Johannes Gutenberg) helped spread education & trends throughout Europe
The Industrial Revolution 18 th & 19 th Century Fundamental changes in agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, as well as economic & social structures Began in England & spread Helped feed larger populations = adequate work force; prepared the way for economic & industrial expansion
United Nations founded 1945 Committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations & promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. 4 main purposes: 1.Keep peace 2.Develop friendly relations among nations 3.Improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms; 4.Center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.
The Berlin Wall ( ) After WWII, Germany was divided among the victors: East – USSR & West – England, France & the USA E. Germany, suffered extreme financial & social consequences of losing to the Russians Russia built a wall diving East Berlin from the West to prevent escaping The wall came down & Germany was reunited in 1989 (Nov 9 = 9/11) Brandenburg Gate: Main gate, travel was tightly restricted.
The Fall (breakup…collapse) of the USSR anti-Soviet (anti-Communist) coup, due primarily to the ethnic differences within this enormous country The USSR disintegrated into 15 separate countries in E. Europe Ended the Cold War between the US & USSR (40+ years) The West saw it as a victory for freedom, a triumph of democracy, & evidence of the superiority of capitalism over socialism Transformed the entire world political situation
The Former Soviet Union
European Countries Please write these in the appropriate columns in your graphic organizer North/ West Europe (11) Central Europe (11) Southern Europe/Balkans (16) Ireland UK France Sweden Finland Denmark The Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg Iceland Monaco Germany Czech Republic Poland Estonia Latvia Lithuania Austria Switzerland Hungary Slovakia Liechenstein Spain Portugal Italy Vatican City San Marino Andorra Slovenia Croatia Bosnia Herzegovinia Serbia Montenegro Greece Albania Bulgaria Romania Russia