Scientific Notation for big numbers ex = x places single digit from 1 to 9 power of ten The number of places the decimal shifts determines the exponent. Try it on your calculator with Exp or EE, etc.
Scientific Notation for small numbers ex = 1.23 x place single digit from 1 to 9 power of ten The number of places the decimal shifts determines the exponent. Try it on your calculator with Exp or EE, etc.
Big numbers require a positive exponent. Small numbers require a negative exponent.
Write the following in scientific notation and check them with your calculator: x 10 3 Try it on your calculator with Exp or EE, etc.
To multiple/divide numbers in scientific notation, multiply/divide the first factors and apply exponent laws to the powers of ten. You may need to rewrite answers in scientific notation. 7.1x10 15 x 6.9x x x10 7 Or we could use the calculator.
Estimate answers for each of the following. Write down your estimation and then check with your calculator. 1.9x10 33 x 2.3x x x10 12