Prefixes multi-
Multi- Definition: “many, much”
Examples multi- ExamplesMeaning multiple“many, more than one” multicolored“many colors” multilingual“many languages” multivitamin“many vitamins”
Sentence Examples There is a population here that can thrive- and multiply if protected. We offer a multitude of gaming options for all types of gamers.
Exercises 1.My mother reminded me to take my ___________ this morning before I left for school. 2._______ can greatly influence the decisions of teenagers. 3.Mr. Olshan said that the test would be ________ choice. 4.They will learn to function well in a ___________ and multicultural environment. multiplemultivitaminmultilingualmultimedia
Answers 1.My mother reminded me to take my multivitamin this morning before I left for school. 2.Multimedia can greatly influence the decisions of teenagers. 3.Mr. Olshan said that the test would be multiple choice. 4.They will learn to function well in a multilingual and multicultural environment.