How Setting Influences Characters: Thesis How does the setting impact Ha’s mother? Support your inference with two pieces of evidence and analysis. The war is causing Ha’s mother to_________________. Due to the war Ha’s mother_______________________. As the war gets closer Ha’s mother___________________. This is your thesis. Everything else you put in the answer will go to supporting and proving your thesis is accurate.
How Setting Influences Characters: Evidence Choose the strongest evidence to support your thesis. Look at the following selections for evidence: Pg “Unknown Father” Pg “Birthday” Pg “Bridge to the Sea” Pg “Should We?” Pg “Crisscrossed Packs”
The war is causing Ha to try find things to be happy about. Evidence: To begin with, the next day after her school is closed, Ha finds on her papaya tree “Five papayas the sizes of my head...Still green but promising.” (pg. 41) Analysis: This shows Ha finds other things to focus on besides the war. Instead of focusing on the fact she will no longer have school, Ha is rejoicing in her discovery that her papaya tree has grown five papayas on it now! In addition to her family, her papaya tree gives her another reason to be happy and hopeful to stay. For now.
The war is causing Ha to try find things to be happy about. Evidence: To begin with, the next day after her school is closed, Ha finds on her papaya tree “Five papayas the sizes of my head...Still green but promising.” (pg. 41) Analysis: This shows Ha finds other things to focus on besides the war. Instead of focusing on the fact she will no longer have school, Ha is rejoicing in her discovery that her papaya tree has grown more fruit! In addition to her family, her papaya tree gives her another reason to be happy and hopeful to stay. For now.
As the war gets closer Ha is starting to mature. Evidence: To begin with, when Ha’s family is preparing to flee, Ha is told she can bring only one personal belonging with her. Ha chooses to take her doll, (pg. 41). Analysis: This shows Ha is growing up because she listens to her mother and follows her directions. Unlike earlier in the story when she wouldn’t buy what she was supposed to at the market or sneakily break traditions for Tet, Ha is putting aside her own wants to help her family. Someone who is maturing knows when it’s a serious situation and listens.
As the war gets closer Ha is starting to mature. Evidence: To begin with, when Ha’s family is preparing to flee, Ha is told she can bring only one personal belonging with her. Ha chooses to take her doll, (pg. 41). Analysis: This shows Ha is growing up because she listens to her mother and follows her directions. Unlike earlier when she wouldn’t buy what she was supposed to at the market or sneakily break traditions for Tet, Ha is putting aside her own wants to help her family. Someone who is maturing knows when it’s a serious situation and listens.
Evidence: To begin with, as Ha helps her mother prepare dinner she, “starts to chop off a potato’s end as wide as a thumbnail, then decide to slice off only a sliver.” (pg. 47) Analysis: This suggests Ha knows her family is running out of food and she knows she has to save every bit so they won’t starve. A mature person doesn’t complain or try to cheat others out of things. Instead of trying to keep food for herself, Ha is setting aside her own wants. A mature person is able to put aside their wants to help others.
As the war gets closer Ha is starting to mature. Evidence: To begin with, as Ha helps her mother prepare dinner she, “starts to chop off a potato’s end as wide as a thumbnail, then decide to slice off only a sliver.” (pg. 47) Analysis: This suggests Ha knows her family is running out of food and she knows she has to save every bit so they won’t starve. A mature person doesn’t complain or try to cheat others out of things. Instead of trying to keep food for herself, Ha is setting aside her own wants. A mature person is able to put aside their wants to help others.