林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [1 / 24] Freshman English Expository Text Structure Lu-fang Lin
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [2 / 24] Purpose To lead you to utilize the concept of text structure during your reading process. To facilitate your reading comprehension of expository texts. To instruct you to identify basic types of expository text structures.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [3 / 24] I. Four Major Types with Mini-texts A number of study employed different categories to label the rhetoric structures of expository prose. In this lesson four of Meyer and Freedle’s (1984) major discourse types are introduced. Following are brief mini-texts illustrating in particular the four introduced in this lesson. My fellow students you may have a look at them to form a general idea about the four structures:
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [4 / 24] 1. Collection of descriptions 2. Causation 3. Problem/ Solution 4. Comparison. Data sources: Carrell (1984), Meyer and Freedle (1984), Moss (2004) Four structures:
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [5 / 24] 1.1 Collection of Descriptions Mini-Text: Our 25 th high school reunion was held last year. We saw many old friends, danced until dawn, and agreed to meet again in five years.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [6 / 24] Collection of Descriptions A group of concepts (ideas) are listed by association. The association can be loosen, or by sequence. Signal words for the sequenced structure may include: first, second, third, then, next, last, before, after, finally (eventually).
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [7 / 24] 1. 2 Causation Mini-Text: Sally wasn’t eating well, exercising, or resting enough. As a result, she felt weak and run-down and never wanted to do anything.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [8 / 24] Causation Causation A group of concepts are listed chronically, but are also causally related. Signal words may include: if, so, so that, because of, as a result of, since, in order to, the cause, the effects.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [9 / 24] 1.3 Problem/ Solution Mini-Text: Pollution is a problem; polluted rivers are health hazards and eyesores. One solution is to bar the dumping of industrial wastes.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [10 / 24] Problem/ Solution Problem/ Solution The problem of the issue is first developed and the solutions to the problem are then proposed. Signal words may include: problem, solution, because, cause, since, as a result, so that.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [11 / 24] 1.4 Comparison Mini-Text: Despite evidence that smoking is harmful, many people claim this is not so. Although smoking has been related to lung and heart disease, for some people smoking may relieve tension.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [12 / 24] Comparison Similarities and differences between facts, people or concepts are identified. Signal words may include: same as, alike, similar to, resemble, compare to, different from, unlike, but, yet.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [13 / 24] II. Four Major Types with Full-texts Following are four adapted passages by Meyer. They are with the same topic The Loss of Body Water. The overall discourse structures are different from each other. By viewing them, you may tell the differences between the four structures.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [14 / 24] Topic (Collection of Descriptions) Three One Two 2.1 Collection of Descriptions
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [15 / 24] 2.1 Collection of Descriptions (1) Several aspects of the loss of body water will be discussed. First, athletic coaches frequently require wrestlers, boxes, judo contestants, karate contestants, and football team members to lose body water so that they will attain specified body weights. These specified weights are considerably below the athletes’ usual weights. Second, the loss of body water sustained by a 150-pound individual each day is three pints of water.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [16 / 24] 2.1 Collection of Descriptions (2) Third, loss of body water impairs cardio- vascular functioning, which limits work capacity. More specifically, a loss of three percent of body water impairs physical performance and a loss of five percent results in heat exhaustion. Moreover, a loss of seven percent of body water causes hallucinations. Losses of ten percent or more of body water result in heat stroke, deep coma, and convulsions; if not treated, death will result.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [17 / 24] Topic (Causation) Consequent Antecedent Explanation 2.2 Causation
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [18 / 24] It is true that athletic coaches frequently require wrestlers, boxers, judo contestants, karate contestants, and football team members to lose body water so that they will attain specified body weights. These specified weights are considerably below the athletes’ usual weights. 2.2 Causation (1)
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [19 / 24] As a result, tragedies are unwillingly cause by the coaches who require this loss of body weight in these situations. These tragedies occur due to the fact that the loss of body water impairs cardio-vascular functioning, which limits work capacity. More specifically, a loss of three percent of body water impairs physical performance and a loss of five percent results in heat exhaustion. Moreover, a loss of seven percent of body water causes hallucinations. Losses of ten percent or more of body water result in heat stroke, deep coma, and convulsions; if not treated, death will result. 2.2 Causation (2)
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [20 / 24] Topic (Problem/ solution) Solution Problem Explanation 2.3 Problem/ Solution
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [21 / 24] 2.3 Problem/ Solution A serious problem is that athletic coaches frequently requires wrestlers, boxers, judo contestants, karate contestants, and football team members to lose body water so that they will attain specified body weights. These specified weights are considerably below the athletes’ usual weights. A solution to this problem is for school administrators to suspend coaches who require athletes to lose body water. This step must be taken due to the fact that the loss of body water impairs cardio-vascular functioning, which limits work capacity. More specifically, a loss of three percent of body water impairs physical performance and a loss of five percent results in heat exhaustion. Moreover, a loss of seven percent of body water causes hallucinations. Losses of ten percent or more of body water result in heat stroke, deep coma, and convulsions; if not treated, death will result.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [22 / 24] Topic (Comparison) Favored ViewOpposition View Explanation 2.4 Comparison
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [23 / 24] 2.4 Comparison Athletic coaches frequently require wrestlers, boxes, judo contestants, karate contestants, and football team members to lose body water so that they will attain specified body weights. These specified weights are considerably below the athletes’ usual weights. In contrast to the action taken by coaches, the American medical association strongly condemns that loss of body water for athletes. They condemn loss of body water due to the fact that the loss of body water impairs cardio-vascular functioning, which limits work capacity. More specifically, a loss of three percent of body water impairs physical performance and a loss of five percent results in heat exhaustion. Moreover, a loss of seven percent of body water causes hallucinations. Losses of ten percent or more of body water result in heat stroke, deep coma, and convulsions; if not treated, death will result.
林綠芳 國立台灣海洋大學 外語教學研究中心 [24 / 24]