Anatomy of a Wrapper Service: TOMS Satellite Image Data Given the URL template and the image description, the wrapper service can access the image for any day, any spatial subset using a HTTP URL or SOAP protocol: src_img_width src_img_height src_margin_rightsrc_margin_left src_margin_top src_margin_bottom src_lon_min src_lat_max src_lat_min src_lon_max Image Description for Data Access: src_image_width=502 src_image_height=329 src_margin_bottom=105 src_margin_left=69 src_margin_right=69 src_margin_top=46 src_lat_min=-70 src_lat_max=70 src_lon_min=-180 src_lon_max=180 The daily TOMS images reside on the FTP archive, e.g. gif gif URL template:[yyyy]/ea[yy][mm][dd].gif Transparent colors for overlays RGB(89,140,255) RGB(41,117,41) RGB(23,23,23) RGB(0,0,0)
Hierarchy of Data Objects: DataGranule, Data Series, DataCube Measure A measure (in OLAP terminology) represent numerical values for a specific entity to be analyzed (e.g. temperature, wind speed, pollutant).OLAP A collection of measures form a special dimension ‘ Measures’ (??Can Measures be Dimensions??)special dimension Data Granules A data granules– discrete, atomic data entities that cannot be further broken down. A data series is an ordered collection of data granules DataSeries is a collection of DataGranules having common attributes All data points in a measure represent the same measured parameter e.g. temperature. Hence, they share the same units and dimensionality. The data points of a measure are enclosed in a conceptual multidimensional data cube; each data point occupies a volume (slice or point) in the data cube. Data points in a measure share the same dimensions; Conversely, each data point has to have the dimensional coordinates in the data cube of the measure that it belongs to. Dimension Y DataSeries Dimension Z Dimension X DataCube DataGranule
Dimension Y Data Array Dimension Z Dimension X DataCube DataGranule 3D 2D 1D
DVoy Data Space Xmin Zmin Xmax Ymin Ymax Data Views Z X Y Data Space for a Measure Ymax XminXmax Ymin Data Zmin Zmax aergqegqet View Data Space Data Granule Measure Data Space
Geo-referenced Map Image: Time Indexed Regular Time Series; Fixed Georect; Image Trim < time_dimension handler_assembly="" handler_class="" start_time=" " end_time="yesterday"> sample_periodicity _unit = "day" sample_periodicity_mult = “1" TOMSFac t TimeInde x Int, Calc from date DailyImag e Img, Parsed from date LatMin Fixed, -65 LatMax Fixed, 65 LonMin Fixed, LonMax Fixed, 180 TOMSTim e TimeInde x DateTimeVirtual Tables (No physical StarTables)XML Example: TOMS gif
Geo-referenced Map Image: Image Indexed Variable Time, Var GeoRect, Var Sensor SatGeoImg CapImgIDUniversal ID ProviderURLURL SourceURLURL ImageURLURL ProviderAbbrevNASA GSFC ImageDescriptionText SensorEnumerated DateTime LatMin-65 LatMax 65 LonMin- 180 LonMax180 ImageWidthFor size verification ImageHeight MarginLeftFor trimming MarginTop MarginRight MarginBottom SQL Table … see table left NO DIMENSION TABLES XML Example: SeaWiFS
Astronaut Photos: Image Indexed Variable Time, Image Center, Platform SatImg NASAImageIDUniversal ID ProviderURL SourceURL cripts/sseop/ ission=ISS004&roll=E &frame=11079 ImageURL seop/images/ESC/small /ISS004/ISS004-E JPG ProviderAbbrevNASA JSC ImageDescriptionText PlatformISS004 GeoRegionGUATEMALA FeaturesSMOKE, GULF OF HONDURAS DateTime Lat17.6 Lat-90.2 SQL Table <data_source service_url=" a.asmx" /> … see table left XML Example: ISS004
Atmospheric Photos: Image Indexed Variable Time, Image Center, Platform AtmoImg ImageIDUniversal ID ProviderURL apita/people/RHusar/rh usar.html SourceURL apita/people/RHusar/Pi c/9812SanFranciscoAG U/9812SanFranciscoA GU.htm ImageURL apita/people/RHusar/Pi c/9812SanFranciscoAG U/Dcp01000Enh.jpg Provider AbbrevR Husar ImageDescriptionText PlatformAirplane GeoRegionNEVADA FeaturesDUST PLUME DateTime Lat36.75 Lat SQL Table <data_source service_url=" a.asmx" /> … see table left XML Example: Dust Plume Photo
Add New Layer (New): Populate DVoyState.xml WSGetDatasetList DatasetList.xmlDVoyState.xml WSGetDatasetInfo DatasetInfo.xml DatasetSelector DVoy Catalog Database On LoadCatalogPage On AddLayer Init DVoyStateAdd layer/dataset_abbr to DVoyStateAdd Layer Description to DVoyState DVoyState.xml
Dvoy Catalog Interaction: Find -> Bind WSGetDatasetList DatasetList.xmlDVoyState.xml WSGetDatasetInfo DatasetInfo.xml DatasetSelector DVoy Catalog Database On LoadCatalogPage On AddLayer Init DVoyStateAdd layer/dataset_abbr to DVoyStateAdd Layer Description to DVoyState DVoyState.xml
Dvoy Catalog Interaction: Find -> Bind DataSelectService – performs the FIND web service operation Queries the catalog for the list of datasets through GetDatasetList service Passes the returned DatasetList to a controller (listbox) where the user selects a dataset DataSelectService places selected DataCode into DVoyState.xml DataInfoService – performs the BIND web service operation Accepts data generic data request: GetAccessInfo (DatasetCode, Dimension, Param, Location, Time, ViewConstr) retrieves or generates access instructions for the query, places them into DVoyState.xml DataInfoService exposes the DataSelectService exposes the selected DataCode DatasetList DataInfoService AccessInfo DataSelectService DVoy Catalog Database On AddLayer DVoyState.xml GetDatasetList Browsing Environment CursorCodes DatasetCode Find Bind GetAccessInfo User User Selects New Data layer