Filling institutional repositories: considering copyright issues Susan Veldsman eIFL Content Manager
With what can an IR be filled? pre-prints of articles or research reports submitted for publication the text of journal articles accepted for publication revised texts of published work with comments from academic readers conference papers teaching materials student projects doctoral theses and dissertations datasets resulting from research projects committee papers computer software works of art photographs and video recordings
Approaches to copyright Approaches taken towards copyright will play a pivotal role in the acceptance of an institutional repository service. Copyright is the number one question which members of the university ask about when introduced to an institutional repository Important to address concerns that might be raised in the minds of academics and managers. Copyright is fairly simple for pre-prints, which can be self-archived without seeking anyone else's permission because the author holds the copyright. Refereed post-print, the author must investigate the copyright policies of the publishing journal.
What might an institutional repository not contain? The answer to this question is linked to the ownership of copyright or licensing terms. An institutional repository may contain work of which copyright is owned by the author or university, or for which permission has been obtained to include a copy of the work in the repository. A repository may also contain a copy of the formatted publication with the agreement of the publisher, authors may be encouraged by their universities to ensure that a publisher‘s copyright agreement allows for this possibility. It follows that a university repository should not contain content for which suitable copyright or licensing arrangements have not been made.
How do we fill the repository Academics periodically provide updated publications details for departmental/faculty publications database; Departmental/faculty publications database administrators provide periodic updates for the repository Bibliographic details e.g. search of databases Full text of articles is added, librarians and authors
How do we fill the repository The University can assists faculty by maintaining a web page that links users to the copyright policies of specific journals If there are restrictions to copyright, authors can try to modify the copyright transfer agreement to allow self-archiving, or, can append or link the file to the already self- archived preprint.
What are the options? (1) For published articles…consult the following..
Institutional repositories: Copyright policy
What are the options (2) When authors want to publish an article: Choose journals with non-exclusive licences Choose journals with Self Archiving-friendly licenses 75%-85% journals allow self archiving 25-15% give no rights at all Negotiate with your publisher Amend the existing licence Use an alternative licence
Biggest hindrance to self archiving Academics must publish in refereed journals Journals require authors to sign Copyright Transfer Agreements Copyright Transfer Agreements inhibit self-archiving in a number of ways
Policies of Research Funders
What are the options ?(3) Institutional works/publishing
Use alternative licenses………
Copyright Public Domain Creative Commons
Every Creative Commons licenses allows the world to distribute, display, perform, or webcast a work. In addition one may apply the following conditions: Attribution No Commercial Use No Derivative Works Share Alike
PROJECTS LAUNCHED BY SC…. Project Publishing: Supports open access publishing in academic and scientific research Project Licensing: Explore standard licensing models to facilitate wider access to scientific materials Project Data: Explore wider access to databases e.g. raw data and other data sets
METADATA There are rights in metadata Do the creators of metadata want to protect them Can anybody enhance metadata Can anybody harvest the data
Others… Have not dealt with works that need specific copyright clearance….. E.g photo’s, traditional knowledge…
Thank you!
Useful URLs disresearch/romeo