AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Overview of AIDA in Geant4 bio-medical applications A collection of contributions from various user groups AIDA Workshop CERN, 3/6/2002 Susanna Guatelli Univ. and INFN Genova CERN/IT/API
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Collaborations National Institute for Cancer Research – IST, Genova S. Agostinelli, F. Foppiano, S. Garelli, M. Tropeano San Paolo Hospital, Savona G. Ghiso, S. Guatelli, R. Martinelli Azienda Ospedaliera (Hospital ) of Cosenza G. Barca, M. Veltri Physics Dept., UNICAL & INFN, Cosenza F. Castrovillari, D. Cuce’, E. Lamanna with the help of M.G. Pia (INFN Genova) and A. Pfeiffer (CERN)
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Brachytherapy Brachytherapy is a medical therapy used for cancer treatment Radioactive sources are used to deposit therapeutic doses near tumors, while preserving surrounding healthy tissues
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli The transparency of physics Advanced functionalities Extensibility to accommodate new user requirements (thanks to the OO technology) Adoption of standards wherever available (de jure or de facto) Use of evaluated data libraries Quality Assurance based on sound software engineering Independent validation by a large user community worldwide User support from experts What in a software system is relevant to the bio-medical community? A rigorous software process Specific facilities controlled by a friendly UI
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Choice : Geant4 for simulation AIDA (+Anaphe ) for analysis Why AIDA: AIDA Abstract interfaces: no dependence from a specific product Components architecture Possibility to use different systems without modifying the code Why Anaphe: CERN product User support Rigorous software engineering
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Protocols in radiotherapy The IST group follows the direction of Basic Dosimetry on Radiotherapy with Brachytherapy Source of the Italian Association of Biomedical Physics (AIFB ) Strict protocols The Savona group follows the direction of the dosimetry protocol for brachyterapy of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM ) Task Group 43
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Photon attenuation: vs. NIST data waterFe Pb Courtesy of S. Agostinelli, R. Corvo, F. Foppiano, S. Garelli, G. Sanguineti, M. Tropeano Testing and Validation by IST - Natl. Inst. for Cancer Research, Genova
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Carcinoma treatment with brachyterapy Endocavitary brachytherapy Superficial brachytherapy Interstitial brachytherapy Anisotropic distribution of dose IST Dose distribution no commercial software available IST Dose distribution High dose gradient release of the source San Paolo Hospital (SAVONA) Uterus, vagina, lung Skin Prostate
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli brachytherapy example (distributed with Geant4 source code)
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Simulation set-up The source is in the center of a water box (side 30 cm). The energy absorbed by the medium on the plane containing the source is stored in a matrix (locally deposited energy versus position). Low–Energy electromagnetic processes for all particles.
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Source anisotropy Treatment planning systems include algorithms to account for source anisotropy Endocavitary brachytherapy
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Role of the simulation: precise evaluation of the effects of source anisotropy in the dose distribution Role of analysis tool: comparison between histograms of the simulation and reference data 2D histograms and their manipulation, fitting etc.
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Distance along X (mm) Simulation Plato Data Distance along Z (mm) Simulation Plato Longitudinal axis of the source Difficult to make direct measurements rely on simulation for better accuracy than conventional treatment planning software Effects of source anisotropy Transverse axis of the source Comparison with experimental data S. Agostinelli, F. Foppiano, S. Garelli, M. Tropeano Validation of the software
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Courtesy of S. Agostinelli, R. Corvo, F. Foppiano, S. Garelli, G. Sanguineti, M. Tropeano, IST Genova Source anisotropy Plato treatment planning Plato-BPS treatment planning algorithm makes some crude approximation ( dependence, no radial dependence) F( ) Work in progress
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Superficial brachyterapy No commercial sofware existing for these applicators ! Dose distribution Code reuse: still the same application as in the previous case only difference: the implementation of the geometry of the applicator, derived from the same abstract class Leipzig applicators
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Distance along Z (mm) Simulation Nucletron Data Experimental validation: Geant4 Nucletron data IST data F. Foppiano, M. Tropeano Superficial Brachytherapy Validation of the software Dose distribution
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli A project in progress for the simulation with of brachytherapy 125 I sources for prostate cancer therapy comparison with experimental data and with reference data (NIST) with reference data (NIST) Precise dose distribution of the source Precise dose distribution of the source 3D dose distribution generated by several 3D dose distribution generated by several sources placed in a volume sources placed in a volume Brachytherapy at the Hospital of Savona G. Ghiso, S. Guatelli, R. Martinelli Savona
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Validation of the software Tests on low-energy processes (Simulation of e - ranges in different media) Comparison with NIST data and experimental data taken at the Savona Hospital Work in progress ! Preliminary!!! With AIDA Anaphe 4.0.1
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli An analysis use case in brachytherapy The energy absorbed by the the detector is stored in a 2D histogram (energy versus position in the plain containing the source) The initial energy of primary particles is stored in a 1D histogram Work in progress ! Next steps with analysis 3D dose distribution Extraction of isodose curves from the ntuple Publication-quality plots AIDA+Anaphe+Python AIDA2.2
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli IORT (Intra-Operatory Radiation Therapy) G. Barca*, F. Castrovillari**, D. Cucè**, E. Lamanna**, M. Veltri* * Azienda Ospedaliera (Hospital) of Cosenza **Physics Dep., UNICAL & INFN, Cosenza The Italian “IORT Project”: funded by the Italian Ministry of Research (MURST), started in 1998 by ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment) design and construct an innovative IORT system (IORT1), as an improvement to the current IORT -NOVAC7 system, jointly developed by ENEA and Hitesys simulation in the framework of the Italian IORT project
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Intra-Operative Radiation Therapy Intra-Operative Radiation Therapy (IORT) An advanced radiotherapy technique utilising an electron beam (produced by a linear accelerator) to obtain the sterilisation of the tumour bed, by delivering a single high dose of radiation during oncological surgery IORT Novac7 a robotic mobile intraoperative beam unit a robotic mobile intraoperative beam unit based on an electron beam linear accelerator utilising an autofocusing structure based on an electron beam linear accelerator utilising an autofocusing structure 4MeV to 9MeV electrons 4MeV to 9MeV electrons
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Metabolic Therapy with 131 I Metabolic Therapy with 131 I Therapy applied at Cosenza Hospital for thyroid diseases nodules, carcinoma, disorders in general Isotope accumulated in the damaged lobe can destroy pathological cells without any surgical operation Take advantage of the radioactive properties of 131 I and of the metabolic capability of the thyroid 131 I 131 Xe + - + -- 131 I 131 Xe (excited) 131 Xe (stable) E( ): MeV (79%) E( - ) : MeV (70%) Most probable emissions: G. Barca*, F. Castrovillari**, D. Cucè**, E. Lamanna**, M. Veltri* * Azienda Ospedaliera (Hospital) of Cosenza **Physics Dep., UNICAL & INFN, Cosenza
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Role of the Simulation Define Define the geometrical structure of the set-upTrack and - from the “Nodule-Source” to the other thyroid cells the reactions of biological tissues to the accumulated 131 I Obtain Obtain information to calculate the best dose to release to the patient Real ThyroidSimplified model
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Technology transfer CERN Courier, June 2002
AIDA Workshop, 3/6/2002S. Guatelli Conclusions Rigorous software engineering, quality assurance and standards are important in the medical physics domain Various applications of Geant4 + AIDA (Anaphe) in medical physics –Role in clinical practice in hospitals