Vector Radial Tunnel Operations Updated: April 9, 2013
Step 1: Create a y information file. Use an artificially high length for y1; y0 is set to 0; x0/x1 are the locations of the radial profile along the tunnel.
Step 2: In the Edit Info File menu, click the Ang, X, Y, XY to Vector button. This will transform the information to a vector file. The x0,x1 values will disappear and the y1 value is the number of GPS/vector listings. (The x0,x1 values are transferred into the *.*.gps files in the \raw\ folder)
Step 3: Go to the Vector Radial Tunnel Warp menu, set the start and end angles along with the individual radius of each radargram. Click the Vector Radial Tunnel Survey button to adjust the *.*.gps vector files – placing the vectors in columns 9-11.
Step 4: Go to the OpenGL 3D Vector Radar menu, to display the radial tunnel radargrams, and to export all the vector radargram pulse to an ASCII exportXYZA.dat file that will be written into the desired processed folder being shown. (Polar Labeling option should be checked on in the Options Menu)
Step 5: Import the exportxyza.dat file and set the output filename, the maximum # of cells in the XY direction and the Z direction. Click the Start Import operation. After finished the volume may need to be interpolated. For radial tunnel choose a value in x search-cells that will make interpolations to connect to the next radargram. The interpolation process will append the identifier “int” onto the front of the 3D filename. Interpolate all or interpolate only gaps can be run.
Step 7: Go to OpenGL Volume to display the Radial Vector Tunnel Volume. In this example a pulse volume is generated, however, a volume made of Hilbert transformed radargrams would be more appropriate for isosurface displays.