CSI Cracking STAAR Information
Day #1 Question #1 The author included paragraph 2 most likely to explain – A.why the researchers studied football players instead of baseball players. B.when the study was conducted. C.what can be done to protect players from head injuries. D.who was chosen to participate in the study.
Breaking Down the Question Before we can even think about picking an answer, we need to think about WHAT the question is really asking. The author included paragraph 2 most likely to explain... What are they asking us?
Breaking Down the Question The author included paragraph 2 most likely to explain – This question is asking about the purpose of the paragraph. Why did the author include this information? What do you think?
Correct Answer D. who was chosen to participate in the study. The study looked at 42 former professional football players between the ages of 41 and 65. They fell into two groups: half started playing tackle football before they were 12, and the other half started when they were 12 or older.
Day #1 Question #2 Based on the information in the selection, with which statement would Filley and Bernick most likely agree? A.Playing football before the age of 12 poses no significant health risks to the players. B.There is no need for further studies on head injuries and football players. C.The results may have been different if the participants had not been former NFL players. D.The number of participants in the sample was too large.
Breaking Down the Question Based on the information in the selection, with which statement would Filley and Bernick most likely agree? First thing we need to ask ourselves is, who are Filley and Bernick? Many young kids play football. According to researchers Christopher Filley and Charles Bernick, 70 percent of all football players in the U.S. are younger than 14.
Breaking Down the Question Based on the information in the selection, with which statement would Filley and Bernick most likely agree? Next, we need to think about their feelings/opinions about the study that was conducted. Filley and Bernick praised the new study. But they pointed out that it had major problems. Studies often try to draw conclusions about the general population by looking at a sample group. It is possible, though, that the sample group will be different from the general population.
Correct Answer Based on the information in the selection, with which statement would Filley and Bernick most likely agree? A.Playing football before the age of 12 poses no significant health risks to the players. B.There is no need for further studies on head injuries and football players. C.The results may have been different if the participants had not been former NFL players. D.The number of participants in the sample was too large.
Day #2 Question #1 Which sentence from the article suggests that playing football may impair brain function? A.He explained that the brain develops in important ways in the years leading up to a child's 12th birthday. B.Players between 9 and 12 bang their heads an average of 240 times in a single football season. C.On all three tests, the players who had started playing tackle football earlier in life performed worse than the others. D.This is why he and his fellow researchers wanted to see if playing tackle football was particularly harmful during those years.
Breaking Down the Question Before we can even think about picking an answer, we need to think about WHAT the question is really asking. This question is about finding textual evidence to provide proof.
Breaking Down the Question Which sentence from the article suggests that playing football may impair brain function? The passage DOES suggest that playing football may in fact cause brain damage. You have to pick the answer that PROVES that.
Correct Answer Which sentence from the article suggests that playing football may impair brain function? C. On all three tests, the players who had started playing tackle football earlier in life performed worse than the others. To measure memory, players tried to recall a list of words immediately after it had been read to them, and then again 15 minutes later. They were also tested on their problem-solving skills and verbal skills. On all three tests, the players who had started playing tackle football earlier in life performed worse than the others. The findings suggest that playing football before the age of 12 harmed these players' mental ability later in life.
Day #2 Question #2 Read the dictionary entry below. study [stuhd-ee] n 1.application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge 2.the cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art 3.research or a detailed examination and analysis of a subject 4.a room, in a house or other building, set apart for private study, reading, writing, or the like. Which definition matches the meaning of study in paragraph 2? A.Definition 1 B.Definition 2 C.Definition 3 D.Definition 4
Breaking Down the Question Which definition matches the meaning of study in paragraph 2? Go back to paragraph 2 and find the word study. The study looked at 42 former professional football players between the ages of 41 and 65. They fell into two groups: half started playing tackle football before they were 12, and the other half started when they were 12 or older.
Correct Answer Read the dictionary entry below. study [stuhd-ee] n 1.application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge 2.the cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art 3.research or a detailed examination and analysis of a subject 4.a room, in a house or other building, set apart for private study, reading, writing, or the like. Which definition matches the meaning of study in paragraph 2? A.Definition 1 B.Definition 2 C.Definition 3 D.Definition 4
Day #3 Question #1 Based upon the information provided in the selection, you can infer that A.parents may be less likely to enroll their children in football before age 12. B.parents may be more likely to enroll their children in football before age 12. C.schools will no longer be allowed to have football teams. D.the popularity of the NFL will decrease.
Breaking Down the Question Remember, when you infer you use information you already know PLUS information you learned while reading. The information you need to help you infer may come from throughout the entire passage.
Correct Answer Based upon the information provided in the selection, you can infer that A.parents may be less likely to enroll their children in football before age 12. *They found that those who started playing football earlier in life performed worse on the tests. *Players between 9 and 12 bang their heads an average of 240 times in a single football season. *But if common sense tells parents that it’s not a great idea to put a kid at risk of getting a head injury during an important time that the brain is developing, the study supports that, he said.
Day #3 Question #2 The author most likely wrote this selection in order to A.convince parents not to let their children play football. B.provide the results of a new study. C.explain the steps now being taken to prevent brain injuries while playing football.. D.present evidence that playing in the NFL causes brain damage.
Breaking Down the Question The author most likely wrote this selection in order to This question is asking us about the authors purpose. Did the author write this to persuade us, inform us or entertain us? This article is informative.
Correct Answer The author most likely wrote this selection in order to A.convince parents not to let their children play football. B.provide the results of a new study. C.explain the steps now being taken to prevent brain injuries while playing football. D.present evidence that playing in the NFL causes brain damage.
Day #4 Question #1 Which of the following titles would have been an appropriate choice for the selection? A.Are You Ready for Some Football? B.Is Your Child Too Young for Football? C.Is Football Too Violent? D.Should Twelve Year Olds be Allowed to Play Football?
Breaking Down the Question Which of the following titles would be been an appropriate choice for the selection? Remember the titles often give us a hint about the main idea of the passage. Which choice conveys the main idea?
Correct Answer Which of the following titles would be been an appropriate choice for the selection? A.Are You Ready for Some Football? B.Is Your Child Too Young for Tackle Football? C.Is Football Too Violent? D.Should Twelve Year Olds be Allowed to Play Football?
Day #4 Question #2 The author organizes the article the way he does in order to A.explain why this study was conducted. B.detail the affects of head injuries on former NFL players. C.show what researchers discovered about playing football before age 12. D.prove that playing football is safe as long as you don’t play in the NFL.
Day #4 Question #2 The author organizes the article the way he does in order to A.explain why this study was conducted. B.detail the affects of head injuries on former NFL players. C.show what researchers discovered about playing football before age 12. D.prove that playing football is safe as long as you don’t play in the NFL.