Fire protection Under what conditions is the Fire Warning system automatically tested? During initial power-up
Fire protection What overheat conditions produce a fire warning during test Turbine overheat.
Fire protection How is a fire detected in the cargo compartments? Dual smoke detectors
Fire protection How wil the crew be notified of a single engine fire loop fault? A status message
Fire protection True / False: Pulling a fire handle arms the squib? True.
Fire protection What does a FAIL light illuminated on the fire panel indicate? A fail light indicates a failure of both detectors in the respective engine overheat, APU fire, and cargo fire systems.
Fire protection How many fire loops are on each engine? Two.
Fire protection Does the wheel well light auto test? No.
Fire protection If both engine/APU fire loops fail, what is the indication? A fire warning
Fire protection How many smoke detectors in the aft cargo compartment? Two.
Fire protection During fire test, pressing the ENG button tests what? ENG/APU/CARGO button? Strut and turbine overheat. Engine fire loops, engine nacelle overheat loops, APU fire oops, and the cargo smoke detectors, respectively.
Fire protection What is the automatic function if the APU catches fire on the ground with engines off, and engines running? APU will shut down and discharge the extinguisher bottle automatically, with engines running APU will only shut down pilot must fire the bottle
Fire protection How many fire loops are installed in the wheel well? One
Fire protection How many fire bottles are there? How many are available to fight an APU fire? Three. One
Fire protection Which areas have smoke detection? Cargo Compartments and Lavatories
Fire protection Which areas only have overheat detection? Engine Struts
Fire protection The _____supplies electrical power for fire detection and for fire warning. Battery bus