Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful Classroom Expectations Be Safe Be Responsible Be Respectful Keep your hands and feet to self at all times Complete all assigned tasks Use a quiet voice While seated, keep 2 feet and 4 legs on the floor Come to class on time Raise your hand and wait your turn to speak Walk at all times Be prepared: have all necessary materials Listen to all instructions and directions
Keep hands and feet to self at all times. Be Safe Keep hands and feet to self at all times. Respect other’s personal space. Look at only your books/materials.
Be Safe While seated: keep 2 feet and 4 legs on the floor. Do not rock back in chairs
No running, skipping, jogging, hopping, etc. Be Safe Walk at all times. No running, skipping, jogging, hopping, etc.
Be Responsible Come to class on time.
Be Responsible Be prepared: have all necessary materials. Pencils Paper Planner
Complete all assigned tasks. Be Responsible Complete all assigned tasks. Homework is complete Class work is complete
When working in groups, keep your voices down Be Respectful Use a quiet voice. Use your indoor voices When working in groups, keep your voices down
Raise your hand and wait your Be Respectful Raise your hand and wait your turn to speak. Look at your teacher Raise your hand Wait for the teacher to call on you
Listen to all instructions and directions. Be Respectful Listen to all instructions and directions.