BOTANICAL NAME Gelsemium sempervirens
COMMON NAME Carolina Jessamin
PRONUNCIATION Gel-sem-ee-um sem- per-vie-rens
Growth Habit Vine
Plant size 20’ tall Spreading (indeterminate)
EXPOSURE Sun Part shade Shade
Site Conditions Moist
ZONES 6 - 9
Life Cycle Evergreen Perennial
Leaf shape Elliptical
Leaf size Length 1-2” Width 1/2”
Leaf modifications None
Leaf surface Glabrous
VEINS Pinnate
Stem modifications None
Flower shape Single or in small cymes (bell shaped)
Flower bloom and color Flowers late February to early April Yellow and fragrant
FRUIT Flattened winged capsule
NATIVE OF: Southeastern USA
USE Ground cover Vine up fences, houses, arbors
DESCRIPTION Flower occurs down in the foliage Grows in clumps
DESCRIPTION Good screening material Flower production is best in full sun Grows well on fences